I imagine that a few of you, and any number of cats (cats are far more observant than humans) have noticed how conspicuously inconspicuous I have become over the past week.   It started with difficulties in getting online, and these became steadily worse.   Other little things put extra harmonies into the movement, like the dishwasher dying and blowing the lights in spectacular style.

 After scenes which would make Les Miserables look like a comic opera, I finally plumbed in a new dishwasher, and then came to realise that my router was also in its death-throes. I got a new one, but now the Telkom line was also acting up, so getting set up was made a lot more interesting by never quite knowing if I had done something incorrectly, or if the line was simply down again. Such fun!

 Ah well. I just thought I’d reassure all the concerned kitties out there that I am still around.  

© Colonialist June 2011 (Letterdash/WordPress)



About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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  1. I have a pesky router at the moment – which I just cannot connect 😦 now I’ll have to get a computer guy in (and there are not many of them around this kneck of the woods). Sometimes computers drive you nuts.


    • colonialist says:

      Particularly if one becomes as dependent on them as I am!
      Really good computer guys seem thin on the ground. They are too busy making megabucks to be interested in being a GP.


  2. colonialist says:

    Thanks for the intro – I went there AND to a guest blogger.


  3. adeeyoyo says:

    Being the animal lover that you are, I thought you may enjoy:
    Two books by Kathy Hoopman: All cats have Aspergers Syndrome and All dogs have ADHD.

    all cats have asperger syndrome

    At the moment I am back to using 3G – again a disaster as before. Hopefully this is just a temporary solution. 😦


  4. Cindy says:

    Mechanical and technical gremlins are terribly inconsiderate.


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