A Motion of a Motion to Motivate Emotion.

I had a clear warning about how the day was going to turn out when our bedroom toilet regurgitated what appeared to have been a few days of stored faeces all over the floor like an erupting volcano.  This, when the OTHER toilet was flushed.  

Having to get far more close and personal with the, er, substances than I would have liked, I tried to effect repairs.  Alas, the blockage was beyond my powers to shift, and a professional had to be summoned.  The rest of the day more-or-less corresponded.  I wasted hours trying to do things online which resolutely refused to be done online.  It would seem there is a little matter of some breaks in a cable covered by a lot of water.   

Wish I’d known.  I would have had a lot more profit from sitting and watching movies, or taking a long walk.  Anyway, I still seem to be almost unable to comment on blogs, so let’s see if this, at least, goes through …

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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16 Responses to A Motion of a Motion to Motivate Emotion.

  1. optie says:

    That really does make for a sh1tty day Col, sorry you had to wade through it 😉 On that subject I flushed the loo on Saturday morning and noticed that the water level rose higher than usual although it did recede again. I reported this delightful news to OH and was suprised to find it so unenthusiatically received. After a few manhole covers were lifted it was evident that the blockage originated outside our property so the council were called in. One really can’t praise these guys enough for their response time and the cheerful way they do a job most of us would run mile to avoid. It appears that once again tree roots have invaded the sewerage pipes and another team will have to come and remove them but at least the you know what is flowing once again.


  2. pinkpolkad0tfood says:

    Shame Col! I hope things will improve soon!


  3. I can handle many frustrations when things need repair at home…but this particular type is the worst! I am sorry…so many more things you’d rather be doing!


  4. nrhatch says:

    Oh, wow. And eww. Double eww. Hope things are sorted out for you soon.


  5. Arkenaten says:

    Been there….not nice at all. Sympathies, Mister N. Only when it happens do we appreciate the value of a plumber!


  6. Got through indeed, although my stomach is now churning. Very brave of you to attempt sorting that lot out yourself. I’d have made the call and left the house immediately.


  7. melouisef says:

    There were some cable problems – yesterday?. And let’s hope it is sorted like your other problem


  8. adeeyoyo says:

    Poor you, Col. Drowning in all the c**p – and no relief either way! Hope you are back online soon.


  9. bulldog says:

    Now that’s what one calls a sh..t day…


  10. newsferret says:

    It did work, that is your internet. Hope the rest is working now as well.


  11. disperser says:

    Awesome memories are born of these sorts of incidents . . . years from now, you’ll be able to laugh about it.


  12. Colline says:

    Hope the day ended on a sweeter smelling note …


  13. Mariane says:

    I wish a hug would help – I hope it is over before the bedtime? …Sorry for your grief 😉


  14. 68ghia says:

    A whole day down the crapper – and I suppose this pun is very much intended, even if in bad taste!
    At least it’s over now Col – time to sit back and try to relax…


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