That really awfully elusive photograph.

(That Elusive Photograph is SideView’s theme this weekend.)

Six pooches is our current flock,
Though seven, once, we had in stock,
And often, through the years,
I’ve tried to snap them as a group,
So you could see the total troop –
It always led to tears! 

Each time I set them in a pose,
Then off one or another goes,
It really is a pest!
I’ve often tried to bribe with food,
But some still get into a mood
And slink off, all depressed. 

And even if their ears should reach
My: ‘We are going to the beach!’
When, normally, they throng,
As soon as camera they see
They simply take one look, and flee!
So I still get it wrong. 

Just given it another try
(I still persist, though Lord knows why;
They’ve driven me to drink!)
But as you see, from this here mess,
I still have met with no success …
I’m giving up, I think. 

Toby, Nigel and Departing Gemma

Toby, Nigel and Departing Gemma

Toby and Tess

Toby and Tess



Gemma and Nigel (Gem & Ni)

Gemma and Nigel (Gem & Ni)



© Colonialist April 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Challenge, Dogs, Personal Journal, Photography, Poems, Really Awful Rhyme and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

31 Responses to That really awfully elusive photograph.

  1. adinparadise says:

    I think you did rather well, Col, considering the fact that they don’t like being photographed. Annie posed quite nicely. 🙂


  2. elspethc says:

    I can’t even get my three grand-daughters together – it has to be a loser to try with animals!


  3. Zirkie says:

    aaahhh,Col, adorable pics!


  4. Tom Merriman says:

    At least you’ve got them all together on one page!


  5. bulldog says:

    What a lovely pack you have… I could not imagine you getting them all to sit still at the same time…


  6. 68ghia says:

    Would probably have to sedate them 😉
    They do look like a lively bunch Col – a motley crew indeed!!


  7. The Asian says:

    Cuddle all of them and get someone else to take the picture 😉


  8. woof, woof (waggy, waggy :))


  9. Colline says:

    Don’t give up. Maybe one day they will surprise you 🙂


  10. Paddy does not look terribly impressed at all…hope you gave him a cuddle after the pic 🙂


  11. colonialist says:

    Cats have this amazing ability to be somewhere else at the instant the click happens, don’t they?


  12. Sonel says:

    Awww..they are adorable! They just wanted you to post a lot of photo’s of them Col. Please give them all lots of hugs and kisses from me and Simba. 🙂


  13. SidevieW says:

    your answer may be to take a picture of each in the same spot andmake a collage, then take a pic of that?


  14. nrhatch says:

    I have a tough enough time snapping a photo of ONE cat. Loved your poem.


  15. Pussycat44 says:

    Paddy looks so old and grey
    His eyeballs say:
    Just go away.


  16. This is very funny. I have enough trouble getting three dogs into a shot, so I can’t even imagine trying for six. In fact two was the ideal number, I some how could always get them to line up, but three just always seems a struggle ……and often ends in failure 🙂


  17. melouisef says:

    Your Nigel looks like our Lulu.
    I have always said only short haired dogs thank you very much and what did we end up with? 3 Long haired dogs and only one with short hair.


  18. footsy2 says:

    A sterling effort.


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