Because I need to regulate
My comments and my views,
Reluctantly I have to state
In future I will choose,
To visit, and to comment on,
The blogs that now and then
Leave evidence, my posts upon,
That one’s been read again. 

This choice is not an easy one,
Some blogs I really love;
To comment on them is great fun,
But, if push comes to shove,
I may well read them – lower down
Priorities I list –
But comments there I won’t jot down:
They likely won’t be missed. 

I blog to read, admittedly,
But also like to tell
From evidence that I can see
That I am read as well;
The message, otherwise, is rough –
A writer I admire
Does not enjoy my stuff enough,
To read it, to aspire. 

So if you find that I am not
In evidence no more
On blogs I used to haunt a lot –
Becoming quite a bore? –
You’ll gain me back if once or twice
You show you’ve had a read;
And criticism or advice
Will also, here, succeed! 

(I decided not to follow the NaPoWriMo prompt for today, because I would rather put out this message – but it is just as easy to do in rhyme!)

Forthcoming Attraction:

This shows a ‘before’ picture of the little task of recovering a mountain and a river upon which I am currently engaged.

 Invisible mountain and river

 © Colonialist April 2013 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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  1. There are exceptions to the rule, but I appreciate having a ‘like’ button on a blog to show a blogger that I was indeed there, and that I did indeed read the post. Comments aren’t left for several reasons- either I didn’t like or understand a piece for whatever reason, or couldn’t verbalize an intelligent opinion (usually the case here), or I didn’t have time to comment that day, but wanted to show the blogger that I visited. I read your posts because I’m learning from an experienced writer. I’m a smart gal, but I’ve got to admit that many posts go over my head, and I’m intimidated to comment. Then, by the time I finish reading the previous comments to mine, I feel like a dope, so I hit ‘like’ to at least let you know I was here. I sensed that ‘Nice!’ wouldn’t cut it here; now I wonder if only intellectual snobs are welcome.


    • colonialist says:

      Thanks for such a frank and useful comment!
      I do tend to get rather obscure with puns and manipulations of words, and it is good for me to be brought down to earth a bit.
      A ‘duh!’ or ‘what are you on about?’ would not be taken amiss!
      The trouble with ‘like’ is that it doesn’t really prove the post has been more than glanced at – at least, not until one has come to know that blogger as being one who does have a genuine interest. On the other hand, repeated ‘likes’ on posts do serve such purpose.


  2. Pingback: MOTIVES FOR BLOGGING | Colonialist's Blog

  3. Marco says:

    I agree with Optie, col – your rhymes always do the trick – not sure I always have something to say back though, hmmm…quotes? cat tales? meeps?


  4. lindabrits says:

    Wow, you have opened a can of worms!
    I can understand very successful blogs that get thousands of comments, not responding, but I think the average blogger should try comment love.
    I feel we need a “read” button, sometimes I read a whole post, but don’t know how to comment.


  5. The rhyme’s the thing, wherein to catch the conscience of …..a blogger. (Curses. you would have a rhyme for that).


  6. optie says:

    Col your sentiments match my own
    though it’s not like you to have a moan
    your posts always seem to recharge my flagging battery
    so please regard this comment as the sincerest form of flattery 🙂


    • colonialist says:

      Thank you! Actually, I started the blog to whinge and whine, and then it went and cheered up on me. Anyway, this post was more letting the affected people know why I have stopped my ‘likes’ and comments on their posts.


  7. Lisaman says:

    In some ways that’s what it’s all about really!!


  8. Arkenaten says:

    Read this yesterday and was not going to comment…but çhanged my mind.
    I’ll bet half the names on my blogroll hardly ever pitch…and many just click like…and we all know there are bloggers who do the whole blog whore thing.
    I look at someone like AD…geez she gets bizillions of visitors and comments and I have no doubt she reciprocates.
    I just don’t have the inclination let alone the time. She seems like a blogging machine.
    I can”t help it if i don’t like the content of a particular blogger even if they continue to visit my site regularly.
    Some of your stuff is great, I enjoy it a lot, especially your grammar lessons and related material. I even save some of them. My favorite was the one on hyphens and dash’s.
    But not all of it resonates with me. I take the same attitude toward my own stuff and never try to please everyone.
    I read everything of John Zande. I enjoy his style. Other loyal bloggers I just don”t get their stuff at all.
    Even some of Kalinka’s posts go over my head…

    Tis life.


    • colonialist says:

      I have stupidly going to every post I can of the ones I have followed, until it struck me how few of them ever visit apart from the first one that hooked me in the first place. I certainly wouldn’t expect everyone to like, or even view, all of my posts. The occasional evidence of an intelligent interest is nice, though.


      • Arkenaten says:

        Well, I follow your blog and it comes up in my reader. I normally go through this first before clicking. If something takes my fancy, I’ll go read it all. And usually once I am there i will leave a comment. Although me and my spam record half don;t even get on the first page! Which makes it pretty hopeless.
        Honestly, I would be happier if no one read the blog but half who popped over bought the book,
        just to spread the word. I would be happy as a pig in a poke and all the blogs could go whoosh..


  9. The Asian says:

    I find sometimes that I don’t know what to leave as a comment, I think you get kind of bored every time I compliment your writing because you get a lot of it. But you’re right, it’s not nice when you read someone’s blog all the time and it seems like they never take the time to read yours.
    Eagerly awaiting the finished product of the task your current task


    • colonialist says:

      I don’t mind HOW many times I get complimented as long as I think it is sincere. Vanity, vanity!
      At the same time, I actually appreciate constructive criticism, (or even, ‘There is something about this I don’t really like; not sure what.’) but most people are nervous about giving it.


      • disperser says:

        How about if I am sincere about “liking”, but don’t know exactly why?


        • colonialist says:

          Fair enough, but there is usually SOMETHING one can pinpoint as being a likely reason. I think the key to a good comment is to include some reference to the content, to show one isn’t a ‘butterfly-liker’ who settles just long enough to click the button before flitting off.


  10. 68ghia says:

    Recovering a mountain? And a river? Good luck Col!!!
    And I completely agree with you on the commenting thing – bottom line, if you can’t be bothered to read me, why on earth should I bother to read you?
    It sometimes grates my nuts when I see somebody that’s followed me for whatever reason, ALWAYS comment on somebody else’s stuff, but never even “likes”: one of mine.
    I have lots of other blogs to read, of people that does read me, and even if I have nothing to add, I will like the post – just to show I’ve been there.


    • colonialist says:

      I have tended to go against my principle of showing visits by a comment, and only putting a ‘like’ when I think the post is exceptional. So few people seem to play it that way that I think it becomes misunderstood.
      Anyway, I am going to drop the ones I enjoy but who never visit, except for those I particularly like where I shall flit silently in and out.


  11. It’s a funny dilemma…..sometimes it doesn’t bother me that folk don’t comment, and then sometimes I feel pissed off when I’ve put lots of effort into writing a piece and all it gets is likes. I suppose it depends how I’m feeling….and that’s true of me reading and commenting on others blogs too, but it sounds like this has built to a head for you….and is decision time!


  12. footsy2 says:

    Bring on the forthcoming attraction 🙂


  13. Found yours via Gerry’s in case you wonder who on earth or what on earth I am.

    I do read a few blogs where I don’t comment. If I comment once or twice and receive neither a reply no a visit, then I don’t waste my time in future. I think there needs to be some reciprocity, but others think differently. If someone pays me the courtesy of frequent comments, then I try to do the same. It’s hardly difficult.

    I don’t necessarily keep up with all new posts (thanks Reader for being so inefficient) so sometimes I’ll have a session of back-reading.

    The short version of my comment is – I agree with your entertainingly worded opinion.


  14. Sonel says:

    Yeah, know the feeling Col and I felt like this many times, but if I have to do the same then I will have to take off more than half of the blogs I follow. What I did notice however was that some bloggers only visit my blog once just to let me know they are there and then they go silent. Sometimes you’ll see a “like” now and then but never a comment after that. I decided not to let it bother me. Some people have more time to blog and comment than others and with some I get the feeling they don’t really like me but they want to follow me to see what I post. LOL!

    Some days I have too much to do as well in and around the house and other days I have my “dark days” (Hope will know what I am talking about) and then I only “like” the posts and some days like today I take the day off and go for a good visit on the blogs and comment where I think my comment would mean something. Some don’t even bother to reply back. I don’t take it personally. I love the blogs I follow and I love seeing and reading what they have to offer. If they can’t return the favour, tough luck I say. Their loss, not mine. So yeah, their loss if they miss your beautiful rhymes and lovely photo’s. Can’t wait to see the “after” shot. Don’t work too hard. 🙂 *hugs*


    • colonialist says:

      Some people seem to collect followers as trophies, and that is really all they are interested in. Is it really worth bothering with them? I’d prefer to have far fewer friends who genuinely enjoy what I put out.


      • Sonel says:

        Indeed Col. Seems it’s like some kind of competition for them. Just like on Facebook and to answer your question : No, it’s really not worth bothering with them. I only follow blogs I like and not because they follow me and I agree with you, better to spend your time with the ones that do enjoy what you put out. Have a great day! *hugs*


  15. I’m assuming we will be seeing the “after” picture too. As far as the rhyme goes, I often feel the same.


  16. Pussycat44 says:

    I hope I’m one of the lucky ones you’ll keep commenting on 😉


  17. i completely understand your decision, Col. Time is so dear, and I believe the best part of blogging is a little bit of dialogue. If I’m the only one talking, it isn’t nearly as much fun for me either! 🙂 I am finding I need to make a similar decision. You just said it with more more creativity! 🙂


  18. newsferret says:

    Waiting for the after picture.


  19. disperser says:

    Well . . . I’ll be more vocal when all this rhyming stops, and less structured prose haunts these posts once again.


    • colonialist says:

      Of course, rhyming has always been something I DO, but I think it has become really overdone of late! I will enjoy launching into some regular writing. My current work-in-progress novels have been suffering, too.


  20. nrhatch says:

    I quite understand the Time Debit
    That’s created this pickle you’re in
    And would have given extra credit
    If a Terza Rima this had been :mrgreen:


    • colonialist says:

      As you will see, from recent comments on your post, I have figured out why the form doesn’t really suit me. I really do like writing completely rhyming verse – even do it with haiku! – and in the classical form the Terza Rima is almost impossible to do that with.


  21. melouisef says:

    Hahahaha *straight face* Killroy was here
    Now isn’t she a dear?

    Do comment have to be in rhyme?


You have the right to remain silent - but please don't!