A really awful spin on a pendulum.


Swings and Roundabouts

is the current SidevieW theme.  When I looked at it I suddenly remembered taking a picture I meant to delete, where the setting was completely hopeless to stop the action.  It occurred to me, though, that it provides rather a good illustration of dizzy movement.

 RoundaboutThis roundabout swings to give dizziest play

 J in oval swingWhile this swing can swing in a roundabout way

‘It’s all swings and roundabouts,’ means that the two
Are equal in pros and the cons they give you,
While gaining on roundabouts, losing on swings,
Will mean that one comes out quite equal on things –
Of all the attributes of other and one,
The best is they offer a good deal of fun!

Bridge and Matterhorn I haven’t been able to do more than glance at blogs over the past few days.  It has been birthday-party-silly-season, with one after another for the girls.  Apart from that, I have been involved in the project of repairing a bridge and recovering a mountain.  The pictures of the exercise have been disappointing, because they don’t really give an idea of the scope of the operation.  Anyway, this one shows my repaired bridge, and across it towards our newly deforested ‘Matterhorn’.  That ‘rockery’ is several metres high, and the view over the ponds from it used be spectacular.  There is much work to do before it will return to the glory of the feature it was when we built it, though.  The string of ponds forming the ‘river’ have to be cleared and refilled, and the ‘lake’ has to be restored while an island in it needs to be freed of the tall bamboo palms which are making it look ridiculous at present.   

Then, I suddenly had an urge to add a very tricky passage to finish the first chapter of one of my works in progress – the fantasy novel Darx Circle.  The 1800-word Prelude had created a really bleak feel to it, and I needed to lighten up Chapter 1 without losing the scary momentum.  Another 2500 words seem to have done the trick, though. 

© Colonialist May 2013 (WordPress)



About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Challenge, Fantasy, Gardens, Grandchildren, Humour, Personal Journal, Really Awful Rhyme, Writing and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

25 Responses to A really awful spin on a pendulum.

  1. The bridge is looking good. I do like that top pic, good you didn’t delete it.


  2. Lovely take on swings and roundabouts, Col. It’s always hard being a writer with a blog because surely the book must come first….al the best with your writing.


  3. SidevieW says:

    I had to lie flat on the floor dizzy from your p;icture

    it is good to see you tackling the garden with such enthuasism 😉


  4. I love the “spin on the pendulum” and the photo couldn’t have been more perfect. You have really been busy, even more than usual. Hope it all continues to go your way.


  5. suzicate says:

    You have been quite a busy man!
    That photo made me a bit dizzy…I remember spinning on those things!


  6. Pingback: What You Lose on the Roundabout | Spirit Lights The Way

  7. adeeyoyo says:

    Yip, I know that expression well and from waaay back in my childhood. I really love the idea of the inter-leading ponds and the footbridge… I always wanted a feature like that.


  8. Recovering a mountain sounds very intriguing ……


  9. The Asian says:

    I love the blurry roundabout picture, it sort of makes me feel like a kid again 😉
    At least keeping busy means you’re stayin out of trouble!


  10. optie says:

    Can’t wait to see more of your bridge and mountain project Col, would much rather be doing that than sitting in the office instead of outside in the sunshine 🙂


  11. Marco says:

    Okay I have to ask, how big is your plot – you seem to have all this space to do all these cool things!


  12. Well haven’t you been the busy little bee. Good luck with everything. Sounds fantastic.


  13. 68ghia says:

    Good luck with the deforestation Col.
    Something to look forward too – seeing the feature restored 😉


  14. Sonel says:

    I can see you had lots of fun with the girls Col and it sure is hard work that you are doing there and it’s going to look great when you’re finished. Have fun! 🙂 *hugs*


  15. Lisaman says:

    What a garden you must have.. amazing!


  16. disperser says:

    I know what you mean . . . this blogging thing is becoming almost a job . . . perhaps time to cut back a bit.


  17. nrhatch says:

    I’ve never heard that expression about Swings and Roundabouts . . . is it a South African expression?


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