Terry Valley Photo - mushroom jumping

Mushroom Jumping Championships

Excursions are now available to try out the fast-growing new sport of Mushroom Jumping.  This takes place at the Violet Mushroom Asteroids, near Glrglblutz with its distinctive ring.  Of course, Glrglblutz is at war with anything that moves, and may well shoot at you with one of their particulated fragmentoidal pulverisers.  However, their aim is notoriously bad, and the recoil generally destroys the weapon plus surrounding countryside for a radius of five hundred kilometres or so.   This always discourages them for a while.

The rules of Mushroom Jumping are, apart from not getting shot by Glrglblutz, that you should do the jump before the assault team, sent to take you out, scales up on ropes.  Then you should find somewhere to land at the end of the fall.  Finally – and this is important – you should survive this landing or your score will not count.

Should one of the gunners inadvertently demolish any part of their ring, you are urged to leave immediately at twice the speed of light to avoid the debris from the planet when it blows up.

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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  1. Barb says:

    Have you been eating those mushrooms or just playing with them?


  2. Marco says:

    And another one…where do I sign up? will I be allowed to use reflectors and a pogo stick? oh right, don’t forget about the orange, the leaf of lettuce and the cat milk cheese.


  3. The Asian says:

    Sounds like fun, where do I sign up? 😉


  4. adinparadise says:

    How very bizarre. I eat mushrooms, but never thought of jumping over them. This sounds like a very dangerous exercise. :0


  5. 68ghia says:

    Sounds like fun – where do I sign up?


  6. cobbies69 says:

    Hey I loved this,, it reminds me of my hippy days, being spaced out a lot of the time…. heheee! 🙂


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