Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable – Maltese and Monkeys

Gemma Maltese, Minky, and Minky Friend.

Gemma Maltese, Minky Monkey, and Minky’s Monkey Friend.


Mink monkeys round with Gem Maltese
And, as one very clearly sees,
The Vervet’s perfectly at ease,
While, to the poodle, it’s a breeze.

I wish that I could take a shot
When dog from monkey pat has got;
Each time he does I lose the plot –
My camera is with me … not! 

© Colonialist June 2013 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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34 Responses to Weekly Photo Challenge: Companionable – Maltese and Monkeys

  1. 68ghia says:

    Quite the cute pic Col 🙂
    I can’t see my brown dog parking off quietly while a very chase-able animal is just waiting to be chased 🙂


  2. adeeyoyo says:

    Don’t ever show them where the food is kept, Col. It doesn’t take more than a glimpse and they will be IN!


  3. Awwww…the monkey pats the dog? How lovely!


  4. I would love to have a monkey… I used to have one for a very short while when I was 5 or 6… I remember him to be fun


  5. adinparadise says:

    Hehehe. Companionable maybe, but that Vervet is keeping an eye on Gem. 🙂


  6. Colline says:

    So interesting to see two such different animals get on so well. Beautiful picture of them both.


  7. The Asian says:

    Your dog lets the monkeys pet it? I never thought that would be possible


  8. Sonel says:

    The most adorable photo ever Col! And Gemma is just as used to them as Simba is. Lovely shot and entry. 😀 *hugs*


  9. Madelaine says:

    Love this…….people should be as accepting!


  10. Aw what a cutie Gemma is…. I love that the monkeys stroke her 🙂


  11. melouisef says:

    Seems like the maltese is not much concerned
    about the monkeys in the yard?


  12. Eha says:

    One of the most perfect [tautology . . . I know!] relaxed life scenes I have ever been blessed to view . . . no stress, no problems, no fear, no hate . . .


  13. nrhatch says:

    Great photo! It’s hard to imagine monkeys hanging about on our deck . . . so it’s a treat to see your visitors.


  14. Oh would love to see the monkey patting the dog, good luck with that 😛


  15. I LOVE your picture… and the setting.. and them monkeys!!!


  16. bluebee says:

    Excellent take on the theme, Col. Does the monkey pat your dog? lol!
    When my Mum was still in her previous house in Hillcrest, a troupe of local vervets would frequently sneak through the kitchen window and steal anything they could. Apparently, oranges injected with Tabasco are a good deterrent.


    • colonialist says:

      I have watched the dog being patted, and being quite happy – oh, for a picture of it!
      The monkeys do sneak in on occasion, but we try to keep temptation away from them, and also give the occasional handout – but OUTSIDE!


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