Just hanging around for Wordless Wednesday …

… and playing it cool under a big fan.  Helicopter landed

Helicopter cockpit

Helicopter over river


Don’t forget to vote for your favourite captions in the previous post!

© Colonialist June 2013 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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22 Responses to Just hanging around for Wordless Wednesday …

  1. adeeyoyo says:

    I have always wished for a ride too! A ‘flip’ was the closest I got and I LOVED it! Not sure I could stomach a copter ride though… Gorgeous pics, Col!


  2. disperser says:

    I keep hearing euphemisms for this machine . . . let me spell it out . . . it’s a brick with delusions of flying.


  3. I have never been in a big fan! I am bit too chicken 🙂


  4. The Asian says:

    My neuro owns a helicopter and he proudly displays a picture of it in his office. They are pretty amazing things, I’m always in awe when I see one


  5. One of my all time favourite things – helicopters (although I must admit I’ve never thought of them as big fans 🙂 ). Best go off to yesterdays post to see what the caption thing is all about.


  6. Sonel says:

    Great shots and caption Col. Just like you I’ll stick to taking the photo’s…not riding in one of them. I love mother earth too much..hehehe


  7. Fantastic post: I love helicopters and can never get enough of them. Was it near your home? You live in a colourful world, Col!


  8. nrhatch says:

    We did a helicopter tour over the Badlands of North Dakota several years ago. Such a great way to fly ~ zooming in to take a closer look, zooming out to get the panoramic view.

    But, oh, the noise, noise, noise, noise, noise. 😯


  9. adinparadise says:

    Lovely pics, Col. I’ve only been in a helicopter once, and that was over Vic Falls. Worth every penny and arms and legs too. 🙂


  10. disperser says:

    I can’t vote; one of them is mine, and I have a slight bias.


  11. bulldog says:

    Was that you up there.?


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