Really Awful Tweet-tweet

Pecking Bird-call Nocturne score –
Reformatting quite a chore –
Leaves no time on blogs to fritter,
So I’ll get by with a  Twitter!

Favour asked: in previous post
Say which cover you like most?
Comment on what’s good and bad –
For all feedback I’ll be glad.

Left - SA edition.  Right - USA proof.

Left – SA edition. Right – USA proof.

And, while here, please also log
Captions for the seated dog;
Brilliant ones already there –
But don’t let that bring despair!

010813 Gemma shorn

(Gorgeously attractive Please, coated wif choice chocolate sprinkles?)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Birds, Caption Competition, Challenge, Humour, Music, Personal Journal, Poems, Really Awful Rhyme and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

24 Responses to Really Awful Tweet-tweet

  1. Lisaman says:

    I like the first book cover, definitely not the font of the US version…


  2. adinparadise says:

    I prefer the first cover. I like the colour of her hair better, and the darker cat looks far more mysterious.Your name is much better all in one line.


  3. The second book cover appeals more to my eye…it looks fresher and crisper.


  4. I also like how the white cat stands out. It attracts the eye immediately as apposed to the darker one. They do look good, Col.


  5. The Asian says:

    I like the SA edition. The font of the name of the book and the colours of the cat look better.


  6. nrhatch says:

    I like the original cover a bit better for three reasons: the darker cat that sneaks up on you, the title lettering, and your name across the bottom in a single line.

    In the newer version, it looks like it might be two co-authors: “Leslie Hyla” and “Winton Noble.”


    • colonialist says:

      Those are, actually, very valid points. Thanks!
      I must say, though, that for the lettering my own personal preferance is the newer one.


      • nrhatch says:

        I went back and looked again . . . and do like the title lettering on both covers.

        I thought that the thinner blue letters stood out more, but the steel gray reflects the play of the sword. And the thicker bolder lines holds appeal. So be guided by YOUR gut.


  7. Sonel says:

    Feedback and caption done but you’re not getting me to tweet on twitter because then I will be a tweet-faced-twit. 😀


  8. alienorajt says:

    Lovely jubbly little verse;
    I can’t rhyme, can only curse!
    Little dog, time is marking –
    Till the start of Starlight Barking!



  9. newsferret says:

    Looking forward to the rest after the holiday when my time will again belong to me, but it is nice to give the time to the keeping us very busy grandies.


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