Really Awful Lines

So yet again you bet we get
A loss of all our internet:
The wonky lines began last night,
And only now are coming right.

I spent some hours on the phone
To find someone to whom to moan –
My calls then only came to halt
When hearing ’twas a general fault. 

I now have e-mails by the score,
So there’s a busy time in store;
I don’t know quite where to begin –
Or should I simply just give in? 

The weather’s cold, and I, instead,
Would so much rather be in bed –
At least, if this here rhyme is seen
You’ll know why I have not here been. 

© Colonialist September 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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37 Responses to Really Awful Lines

  1. footsy2 says:

    Cold? In Durban??? Nah.


  2. Seamus Heaney would have Ben green with envy


  3. Very frustrating for you, Col. I get so furious at times like this, but you always seem to vent through these wonderful rhymes. Oh, for your tolerance.


  4. Gobetween says:

    Amazing how quickly the internet is restored when you feel too exhausted to do anything online.


  5. bulldog says:

    That explains a lot…


  6. Well now we know why 🙂


  7. Sonel says:

    Awfully glad it’s sorted out Col. 😀 *hugs*


  8. Kathleen says:

    I hope you get it all sorted, the e-mails and the connection problems.


  9. Harmony says:

    My more sincere sympathies, there is nothing more frustrating than connection problems.
    As for the emails, there’s only one place to start …
    ♫ Let’s start at the very beginning
    A very good place to start ♫


  10. I know the feeling! In my case it was three weeks worth! I suggest a wholesale DELETE.


  11. gipsika says:

    What, I missed something – you’re leaving us?


  12. adinparadise says:

    Well, I have 3715 e-mails in my inbox. Winston Churchill said, “Never, never, never give up. 🙂


  13. The Asian says:

    Internet problems are one of the worst! It’s good to know that you make a conscious decision to leave us though


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