Water Babies for Wordless Wednesday

Water Whale of a Display!

Water Whale of a Display!

Yesterday the whales eager to make babies were jumping like fleas in a carpet.  At one stage there were ten of them in view, wagging and flapping tails and leaping completely out of the sea.  As usual, I was always too late with the shutter.  None caught in the air, and this is about my best splash.

Egyptian Geese and Goslings at Durban's Mitchell Park

Egyptian Geese and Goslings at Durban’s Mitchell Park

These babies are (obviously) already made, and Mama and Papa took them for a Fleet Exercise.  The teensy one far right was just too cute.

J encouraging a winning R

Swim School Gala – Breaststroke

My grandkids are also already made.  Here young 5-yr-old R  is winning her breaststroke heat encouraged on by little sister J at the Swimming School Gala on Saturday.

Wordless Wednesday


© Colonialist October 2013 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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20 Responses to Water Babies for Wordless Wednesday

  1. The Asian says:

    Looks like the grandkidlets are having a whale of a time!


  2. 68ghia says:

    I sometimes with I was a water baby – splashing around in the water looks like such fun!!


  3. linda says:

    Great photos Col, how cute is that little sister encouraging her big sister……..don’t feel bad about the whales, Rob could never catch them on camera either.


  4. adinparadise says:

    Well done to little R. What a cute pic of her younger sister cheering her on. 🙂 What a great view you have of the whales, from Meerkat Manor!


  5. Well done to the champion swimmers!


  6. Colline says:

    Seeing he whales is one thing I hope I get the chance to do one day.


  7. bulldog says:

    Great shares Col… when we lived in SouthBroom I did my best trying to capture the performing whales… all I ever captured was a splash, which was normally blurred.. A bit unpredictable these damn fishies…


  8. Harmony says:

    I really lake this post, water lotta fun you had – an absolute whale of a time!


  9. Kathleen says:

    Great photos Col… the ocean looks beautiful.


  10. melouisef says:

    Really great photos 🙂


  11. Pussycat44 says:

    I would have loved to have seen the whales!


  12. Lovely post, Col 🙂 I am so envious of the fact that you have whales just beyond your back yard!!


  13. nrhatch says:

    Haha . . . whales jumping around like fleas, while thinking “Pick Me!” 😀


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