Weekend Photo Challenge: Eerie – Really Awfully So.

A look too deeply into these,
May have you end up ill-at-ease,
The scenes are pleasant, in the main,
Unless a bat should cause you pain,
But with a scrutiny too deep
You could find you are losing sleep.

Eerie 4

Lurking in a hallway – bigger than your head!
(Made of wood.)

Just hanging around after lunch ...

Just hanging around after lunch …

I have a feeling of being watched ...

I have a feeling of being watched …

Clairwood Anglican Church Er ... anyone there?

Clairwood Anglican Church
Er … anyone there?

Eerie 1

Imagination soon starts playing tricks …

© Colonialist November 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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22 Responses to Weekend Photo Challenge: Eerie – Really Awfully So.

  1. I have bad enough dreams without your photos colonialist – hahahaha – please explain the bat in the roof (or whatever it is)?


  2. Doom says:

    Quite nice! But then, these are more my things than not.

    Actually, in that church? That was me. Just passing through on my rounds, haunting wherever seemed fit, no ill intent. :p


  3. melouisef says:

    I never kill spiders because they eat mosquitoes but then we don’t really have poisonous ones here I think.


  4. The Asian says:

    Spiders and I are not friends! And that one looks quite big…


  5. footsy2 says:

    But I love the church – not eerie at all. People creep me out more….


  6. footsy2 says:

    TG the spider is made of wood 🙂


  7. Love the dose of winter.


  8. nrhatch says:

    I spied a werewolf lurking in your sticks!
    NO, not my imagination playing tricks!

    It was there, teeth bared, crouching low
    LOOK! There are its tracks in the snow.


  9. adinparadise says:

    That wooden spider is really eerie. 😯 I always find empty churches somewhat eerie. I watch too many murder mysteries. 🙂


  10. bluebee says:

    What kind of madman would hang that creeeeepy crawly on his wall?!


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