Per Verse Lightning Haiku

The current Haiku Monday Competition is being hosted by the previous winner, Where Whispers Linger.  My three are striking examples of my horrible habit of doing frivolous ones in rhyme.


Crash, flash, together:
Still alright, but awful fright –
Bright  summer weather!

 A bolt from the blue?
Flying true, and frying you –
This fall is blue, too! 

Lightning, it strikes one,
With a spring a shock may bring –
Your season is done!

© Colonialist November 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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25 Responses to Per Verse Lightning Haiku

  1. hoppelschaum says:

    And congratulations to you! You are our next haiku Monday host .. 🙂


  2. I always enjoyed creating haikus. So many possibilities and they all seem effective in their brevity.


  3. adeeyoyo says:

    Love them, Col, especially the first! 😉


  4. Desire says:

    Really enjoyed catching up on your posts. You are so lucky to wake up to such beautiful views everyday!


  5. Doom says:

    No troubles with rhymes hereabouts, or… thereabouts? In digital, presence is ephemeral? Oh, back to the point. I have always thought to do rhymes but… this guys can’t… rant and rhyme at the same time? Dunno. Just… I don’t have it going on. So it’s always something to see.

    And that visual? That’s like… it. I keep thinking to avoid looking. Someone was rather talented, lucky, and maybe dead to get that shot. Or mocks it up well. Dunno that either. I don’t know much, but I do thank you for stopping in and offering your services. /hat tip


  6. too funny 🙂 nothing worse than a haiku purist I say


  7. ah it’s good to read and chuckle!


  8. groaning but laughing at your take on the sacred haiku.


  9. calmgrove says:

    haiku bard’s plucky
    twice roll the dice, verse strikes thrice
    third time’s unlucky

    No, I don’t know what it means either…


  10. The Asian says:

    I see the light at the end of the tunnel!


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