Wordless Wednesday: Toad-tally Silly

R - If I kiss him he turns into a prince, right? Me - That's a she, and I don't think toads DO princesses. J - Yuck.

R – If I kiss him he turns into a prince, right?
Me – That’s a she, and I don’t think toads DO princesses.
J – Yuck.

Toad 26112013266

Me – Well, seeing that she hoppened to hop by into the kitchen, how about all smiling for the camera? Is that a smile, Mrs Toad?


Wordless Wednesday

© Colonialist November 2013 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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41 Responses to Wordless Wednesday: Toad-tally Silly

  1. Gobetween says:

    Precious … I’m not brave enough to touch a toad.


  2. huntmode says:

    Did you ever just want to grab ’em and eat ’em up? They are so cute! And the kids aren’t bad either! 🙂


  3. 68ghia says:

    Just look at those dimples!
    Gorgeous 😉


  4. The Asian says:

    In the first picture, I actually thought she was eating a cookie…


  5. michiedoll says:

    so sweet,
    Hope you can visit my Wordless Wednesday


  6. Aw, so sweet!!!! 🙂


  7. I hope you’ll be spending Thanksgiving with them so you REALLY have something for which to be thankful…


  8. Toad-tally gorgeous toad and two tots!


  9. optie says:

    What cuties, one day their princes will come for sure 🙂


  10. bulldog says:

    Maybe if she kisses the toad it gives her three wishes.??… lovely photos and as Sonel says, good to see a girl not frightened of a toad…


  11. Sonel says:

    Awwww, they are totally adorable Col and that conversation they had made me laugh. Love those smiles and it’s lovely to see little girls not scared of frogs. 😀


  12. Pussycat44 says:

    Weren’t we told, as kids, never to pick up a frog or toad as they would give us warts?
    Love the way the kids pose for you on demand 😉


    • colonialist says:

      That was because their poison sacs are in wart-like knobs, but it is a fallacy of course. They do have an irritant toxin as protection against being lunch.
      The kids have done some modelling!


  13. Colline says:

    Your grandchildren I assume? They are so adorable. The toad? Not too much.


  14. Yuck! (not the beautiful children of course) – do your toads have a poisonous sac on their backs like ours?


  15. Delightful, delicious, adorable


  16. nrhatch says:

    Too cute!
    The girls, not Mrs. Toad . . . although I’m sure she has a very pleasant toadality.


  17. Very cute grand daughters 🙂
    I just found two lovely comments of yours in my spam folder…..I have no idea what wordpress is doing sometimes!


  18. stevebethere says:

    How cute heheh! nice smiles too 😉


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