‘Do’-ing ‘Re’-peat gives ‘Mi’ (‘Fa’ too much ‘So’) more ‘La’-‘Te’-tude.

The overwhelming outpouring of enthusiastic comments on my previous post saying, in effect, ‘Duh…?!’, together with some technical background stuff from Calmgrove, encouraged me to expand upon the infliction. 

Here I do an even more obscure version of my graphics showing some of the relationships, and revealing how the same terms exist no matter where you start.  Whatever beginning note is chosen becomes the ‘Do’ or ‘Tonic’ or ‘Key Note’.  First, here’s the Really Awful Rhyme, again: 

Do, a Tonic or Key Note,
Re, on Supertonic shines,
Mi, for Mediant you quote,
Fa, Sub-Dominant defines,
So, to Dominant must go,
La, Sub-Mediant will show,
Te, as Leading Note, below
Do, next Tonic up, assigns!

Scale Now, it is time I got back to normal with posts.  By now, hopefully, my accustomed Caption Public will be back to blogging, and some more votes can go on my sadly delayed Caption Competition.  Go there now, or else!* 

I have been doing some more writing on my neglected Darx Circle novel during which I managed to complete 2500 words in a challenging section, so perhaps I can also put in some more episodes.  Even for those not following the story, they may provide some amusement. 

*or else it will stay a bit short of votes from voters who should have voted

© Colonialist January 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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18 Responses to ‘Do’-ing ‘Re’-peat gives ‘Mi’ (‘Fa’ too much ‘So’) more ‘La’-‘Te’-tude.

  1. My head is so full of notes at the moment, that I don’t have room for any more. 😯


  2. I’ll be singing this song for the balance of the night. 🙂


  3. bluebee says:

    I feel too sorry for that obese piggy to laugh at it. It needs ‘The Biggest Loser’ treatment, methinks.


  4. Please note that I am now officially befuddled. 🙂


  5. suzicate says:

    I get the notes…not because I’m musical; I credit “The Sound of Music”!


  6. 68ghia says:

    At least I have a faint idea what you’re talking about here Col – but very faint 😉


  7. bulldog says:



  8. newsferret says:

    I wish I had a clue on notes – music I refer to, as a retired diplomat of course I can make notes of which many may not be liked _D


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