Minnie - an incredibly difficult animal to photograph other than on a lap!

Minnie – an incredibly difficult animal to photograph other than on a lap!

Meet Minnie.  She is currently a houseguest after flying up from the Cape with Son-in-Law’s mother for the recent sad events.

Of course, as you can imagine, it is a tremendous inconvenience having such a massive animal blundering about the place.  (In fact, Mac cat and the other dogs didn’t even notice her arrival for some time, and when they did they responded with a highly excited, ‘Ho, hum … yawn!’  I think little Gemma is rather chuffed not to be the tiniest four-legged resident any longer, though.)

The kids need to be reminded, from time to time, that she is not a toy.  They would love to carry her round permanently.  She is wonderful, though.  Not a yap or a snap in sight.

Her biggest adventure here to date has been when she tried to run across a pondweed-covered fishpond.  I waited to see if she could fish herself out 🙂 and she managed on the second try.  De-pondweeding her was a mission, though.

Otherwise, apart from weeping in high-pitched yips if her mommy has to go out for any reason, and demanding that I cuddle her full-time until the return, she has been a model guest.Michelle's Pet Challenge 

© Colonialist January 2014 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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27 Responses to MINNIE-NOT-A-MOUSE

  1. Pingback: Michelle’s Weekly Pet Challenge; Round up and start of new week (21) | Hope* the happy hugger

  2. bluebee says:

    Once ponded and wet, she must have been almost invisible.


  3. quarksire says:

    Cute Mug 🙂 🙂 Q


  4. scrapydo says:

    Very sweet. I also had the opportunity to look after 2 Yorkie’s for 3 weeks. But boy oh boy they are active little creatures!


  5. angloswiss says:

    Lovely little doggie.


  6. Sonel says:

    Awwww, she is absolutely adorable Col. They are are such sweet and loving dogs. 😀


  7. Small dogs have suddenly entered our life with little snowy. Although anything would be small compared with Pippa. But really, I am working out they are big dogs, except smaller 😀 smart. cute. intelligent, affectionate and take up far too much of the bed.


  8. May the pondweed not call to her again. Ha.


  9. misswhiplash says:

    Minnie is so sweet and you are so lucky to be selected to care for her.
    We have 2 foster dogs coming on Friday making our dog family to 6 plus 3 cats…ain’t life fun when you jump in the deep end


  10. My daughter says the first thing she remembers me teaching her is “the cat is not a toy!”


  11. optie says:

    Sounds like you are rather enjoying those cuddle times Col, what a little cutie 🙂


  12. bulldog says:

    A good cute house guest…. wonderful…


  13. Aw, she looks so sweet and cute. Thanks for the lovely entry Col 🙂


  14. newsferret says:

    Wow, a true mini, but yet a mini minor:)


  15. nrhatch says:

    I’m glad she fished herself out of the fish pond. 😀


  16. You sound as if you’ve fallen in love with her, Col. She looks so cute. I would have loved to see her all covered in pondweed. 🙂


  17. tree girl says:

    We have a pug, and it’s the same – the kids forget that she is not a toy. She retreats to my lap when she has had quite enough. My eldest son calls our pug “a human trapped in fur” and “a tennis ball head of cutie-ness” (her head is not much bigger than a tennis ball). My kids love Greek and Roman mythology, so they called her Juno.


  18. She looks utterly adorable. What a sweet house guest 🙂


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