
A strange thing happened to me on the way to dreamland this morning.  I got on the wrong bus and came back again.

Normally, I don’t have any problems with sleeping other than the ones I may try to solve for fun while dropping off.  No, I go to bed at 01:00 or so, get comfortable, and that’s it until some time between 08:00 and 09:00.

This morning I was on schedule for bedtime at 01:00.  I dozed, but then woke up.  I could tell it was rather earlier than my normal rising time by the use of advanced deductive reasoning.  It was still dark. 

In fact, the clock said 02:00. 

Muttering direly, I put my head down again and waited for sleep.  And waited.  And waited.

At 03:00 I gave up and got up.   Then I became engrossed in blogging and then in writing the current chapter of Darx Circle (18 – now 19).  Then it was time to fetch young R from school, and then to take her to swimming. 

Never mind, thought I.  After swimming I will catch up on forty or fifty winks. 

Alas, a seldom-seen cousin who lives down the South Coast popped in.

Result: now going on for 21:00 and I am still not sleepy.

Ever had anything so unexpected un-Seattle your snooze-schedule?   

© Colonialist February 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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  1. bluebee says:

    A major life-change will do it. Have you always been a night owl, Col?


  2. adeeyoyo says:

    I fall asleep easily – too easily sometimes! But I can wake up at any time after 2 am and struggle to get back to sleep, which is when I jot down notes or write a blog or two. That, I must say, does the trick.


  3. I sometimes feel much better if I have less sleep than more, but not always. It seems like Bugsy can sleep through anything. 🙂


  4. nrhatch says:

    Hope you get a great Snooze on tonight! Without sleep, I become cranky indeed.


  5. My snooze schedule is highly irregular…so I understand, but have no advice to give.


  6. I can grab a sharp 40 anywhere. And dribble like a king to.


  7. cupitonians says:

    Reminds me of a really bizarre Murakami short story I read that freaked the life out of me. Flash insomnia, they say, is common. Unfortunately. You’ll get your sleep back very soon!


  8. Sonel says:

    Clearly Bugs Bunny is to blame Col! 😆
    I have lots of nights like that. Nothing new to me. Strangely enough, I feel more energetic than usual. Seems we don’t need that much sleep. LOL!


  9. Usually when I’m jet-lagged, I can stay awake for 24 hours or more, and be pretty productive. Otherwise, blah. Can’t do what you did, Col.


  10. How odd, but hopefully you will sleep well tonight.
    I’ve had odd patches over the years where I have struggled to get to, and then stay asleep….usually when I’ve been stressed or troubled by things….nowadays I try to stick to my regular schedule, and I fall asleep reading!
    Sweet dreams


  11. newsferret says:

    Often 😀 , but survive!


  12. Frequently, specially if I read/watchTV beyond midnight. Ideally I should put the light out at about 11.30 and usually drop off fairly soon. After midnight, and I lie awake for hours. I wake around 7 in winter, 6 in summer.


  13. disperser says:

    What little I sleep, I sleep deep and untroubled.


  14. The Asian says:

    I don’t really have a snooze schedule. Bedtime can be any time from 22:00 to 1:00 and waking up will be between 5:00 and 10:00, depending on the day of the week and what client I’m going to. I do need at least 5 hours of sleep to sort of function the next day though


  15. suzicate says:

    Yes, I have. Funny that the days my schedule is off I seem to be more productive…perhaps it’s because I give it more to make up for what I think I’ve lost, lol!


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