Lifestyle Change, Literature, Limericks and Lizard


With my being rather caught up in the inexorable progress of our impending lifestyle change,  both writing and blogging have again suffered.  Mind you, I did manage to add 22 000 words to the novel in two weeks, and another 1 000 yesterday.  Today, zilch. 

Anyway, for the amusement of visitors, here are a couple of limericks I recently put into Mad Kane’s blog from the first-line prompts: 

A fellow was being obscene –
His humour was from the latrine;
But it came to an end
With him sent round the bend,
When flushed with success he had been. 

A woman whose life was fast-paced
Let nothing at all go to waste,
Until, with a quickie,
She got in the sticky,
And to waist went some youth in her haste. 

Finally, a recent rescue I picked up out of the pool:


© Colonialist February 2014 (WordPress)



About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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46 Responses to Lifestyle Change, Literature, Limericks and Lizard

  1. footsy2 says:

    Oh No-o-o-o-o. I don’t want you to move away from your slice of heaven that I have become attached to!


  2. Gobetween says:

    The problem with downsizing is you start out thinking I’ll throw away everthing I haven’t used in the last 15 years but as you get stuck in and get reminded of all the memories you finally adjust it to getting rid of things you haven’t used in the last 5 years. We are a family of hoarders.


  3. adeeyoyo says:

    Glad you saved him (he looks like a him!). Nice limericks. Don’t talk to me about downsizing… Yuk. Not when you have lots of hobbies to take with you in case of boredom. Good luck!


  4. Desire says:

    Oh you do have a special way with words! Love the limericks.

    And 22k words in one day? Yikes I don’t even THINK that many words in a full day!


  5. What sort of lizard is that, Col?

    22,000 words. Sheesh…you’re still on those drugs I see?
    Limerick as groaningly excellent as usual.

    Lifestyle change?

    Does this involve moving? And if you coming up here let me know so’s I can hide.



    • colonialist says:

      I think it is an Agama of a kind which should only happen in the Cape.
      There has been a bit of a slowdown, and Word tried its best to freeze and dump 1000 today.
      Paradise lost – but probably stay in this region.


  6. gpcox says:

    Thanks for keeping us amused, but let your manuscript suffer.


  7. cupitonians says:

    I want to live in your li’l stable of weird, weird rescues!


  8. bulldog says:

    Lifestyle change?… I assumed you were pretty well fixed in position… love the limericks…


  9. Sonel says:

    What a cutie! I am glad you rescued him Col. He is adorable! 😀
    Love the limericks! Thanks for the smile.


  10. nrhatch says:

    Awesome progress . . . especially giving pending and impending changes. And FUN limericks!


  11. paws2smile says:

    Hahahaha! Loved the limericks! And the lizard is adorable! 🙂


  12. calmgrove says:

    I feel in the mood to respond to your pic of the beast from the pond: a charitable habit, like producing a rabbit from a hat with the aid of a wand…


  13. What a great addition to the word count…..I can’t get mine going anywhere at the moment.
    What a funny creature from your pool 🙂


    • colonialist says:

      I need to take advantage of the time of the year that, for some odd reason, I find the creative side of my novels gets going.
      The kids enjoyed stroking him before release. He didn’t seem to mind.


  14. Colline says:

    Your limericks made me laugh. Loved the toilet humour 🙂


  15. suzicate says:

    your limericks always crack me up!
    Congrats on the progress on your novel.


  16. cobbies69 says:

    Congrats on your word count etc, and these are very good, they made me smile broadly… now got face ache 🙂


  17. I like scatological limericks! Well fone for the words.


  18. misswhiplash says:

    Your poems are all very good
    and I’m sure you will write when you could
    but 22,000 words is a lot
    And the keyboard was possibly hot
    but you did well, and from that I can tell
    that your book will be a success
    but don.t over do it, or you’ll live to rue it
    even so it will still be the best



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