Rainbow, cat and photographer


And now some views of our shattering experience:


 A missing door

Mahnd the gap!  A see-through sea view.


The door is a great deal more damaged than the little boy.

 Colonialist March 2014 (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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22 Responses to COLOURFUL CAT

  1. Tokeloshe says:

    What a beautiful view! It’s a good thing you had your camera close by, it’s so funny ;-).
    I would be too scared to carry that glass without gloves.


  2. gpcox says:

    Uh-oh, brings back the memory of when I did the same thing – only I didn’t crack the glass, just my nose!!


  3. nrhatch says:

    OUCH! We have a small decal on our sliders. It doesn’t obstruct the view. It does catch us from catastrophic calamity.


  4. adeeyoyo says:

    I agree with you Col. The whole point of glass is see an uninterrupted view. At least it was ‘safety glass’ – no sharp shards to fly around. Maybe a couple of metal loops on the walls to the side, where you can thread string a la takkie style across the lower half of the window, which can easily be removed when your visitors have left.


  5. Grannymar says:

    Ouchies! That could have been a major disaster for that kid. I hope you told him he had used up one of his nine lives.


  6. Colline says:

    Glad he is okay. He must have hit the door pretty hard.


  7. many years ago a friend of mine, who was an organist. walked through her closed patio door and severed tendons in her arm. It was months and months before she could play the organ again. I’ve always had decals or a sun catcher on patio doors since then. Plus it prevents the birds from flying into them so that is a good thing too.


  8. Pussycat44 says:

    I agree with vivinfrance. Time to put something on that door as a warning. Maybe a thunderbolt decal 😉


  9. disperser says:

    You can repeat the experiment with animals . . .


  10. susielindau says:

    Whoa! Did he run into the door?


  11. We have decals on our sliding doors, which exude a mizzy-killing product as well as alerting the unwary to the presence of solid glass. Of course you’d need to put them rather low down to warn the littlies!


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