Really Awfully Saturated

Lt King Olympic Pool

There is water on my brain,
While my vision’s gone all foggy,
I have muscles under strain,
And each part of me is soggy.

In these training little swims
For young R, at not quite six yet,
My enthusiasm dims
When in liquid we our kicks get.

And I feel distinctly damp
In environment so splashy –
After all, I am a gramp,
And no longer quite so dashy.

So today we did twelve lengths,
Though it’s sixteen that we aim at,
Swimming’s not among my strengths,
Or a thing that I’ll earn fame at.

But I’m getting left behind,
On each session of our soaking,
And the stroke that I may find
Could be one that has me croaking!

Colonialist March 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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25 Responses to Really Awfully Saturated

  1. Sounds like you’ve really met your match, Col. R will certainly help to keep you in trim, if she doesn’t kill you off first. 😀


  2. Grannymar says:

    I’ll cheer from the side lines, I am not and never was a water baby. I go dangerously cold within a couple of minutes, no matter how warm the water is supposed to be. Love the poem! Well done you and young R!


  3. Ruth2Day says:

    I don’t think I’d get across the width once, let alone the length 12 times. Well done to your little one


  4. cupitonians says:

    Haha. They’ve got you under their powers!


  5. Swimming is the most difficult sport to manage.I though I was in decent shape after a program of walking and riding my exercise bike but when i tried to do laps I was totally winded.


    • colonialist says:

      The grandkids are following a tradition of taking me out of my comfort zone. When I was happily into yachting, my daughters redirected me into horseriding. Now, when I can do that and walking and cycling, grandkid pushes me into swimming!


  6. The Asian says:

    12 lengths is really good for her age! I know there’s no ways I would have been able to do that.
    PS I hope you haven’t been wearing a speedo at these training sessions *cringe*


  7. Take it gently, Les. One length nearly saw me off a few years ago! Loved your poem.


  8. misswhiplash says:

    I thought your poem very cool and I can understand your reluctance to swim 16 lengths…I could not even do one but I admire you for encourageing and helping R… its always good to let him win , it builds up confidence


    • colonialist says:

      I don’t LET her win – she has started beating me soundly. fair and square!
      Looks daunting in that photo just to do one, doesn’t it? Believe me, it feels daunting doing it, too!


  9. suzicate says:

    Ha, those little granddaughters are wearing you out! It doesn’t take long for them and the energy of youth to surpass us!


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