A Really Awfully Tyresome Moanday

Translation Heading

This proves I was really feeling spare ...

This proves I was really feeling spare …



Truly, I believe that one day

Soon, they should abolish Monday;

Ruins the effect of Sunday,

Which is usually a fun day,

And, when blue is current run-day,

One is glad when it’s a done day! 


A brief history of a day better forgotten is that I got woken up with an announcement that I needed to take Son-in-Law T, who came out of hospital on Saturday, to an appointment with the doctor as he was not feeling a happy chappy.  I just had time for a chilly 100-stroke dip before we set out in my car.  Hardly out of the gate, said buggy gave some flat backchat – being upfront about something not being right.  In fact, the flat was on the front left. 

I pulled onto the pavement, told T to hang in there, and sprinted back to get his car.  This has been standing for a while and the left front wheel had developed a tendency to lose air, but I had pumped it up with my pet compressor last week and a check revealed that it was still fine.  The car did seem to be handling oddly, though, and when I reached where T was leaning on his crutches he pointed to the right front wheel – flat.  I gingerly inched back home and deployed the compressor again.  Then it was off once more, for a long wait at the doctor. 

Doc gave (of course) a prescription, but I knew cash would be needed – Med-aid currently exhausted.  So the first order of business was to take the wheel off my car.  The wheel with the flat tyre liked it where it was, and wanted to remain there.  It took stamping a foot with full force on the wheel spanner handle to loosen the nuts, and then the wheel needed bashing with a brick from inside to persuade it to come off, even without nuts.

Now it was a dash to draw cash.  The mall with the Auto Telling Machines was packed to the gills, and people were orbiting in their cars with the expressions of vultures waiting for something to die.  Finally I saw a space at a far distant spot and rally-drove to beat a gaggle of other hopefuls.  I didn’t pause to enjoy their looks of deadly hatred, but indulged in another sprint to the machine queue and back, before a Grand Prix drive to pick the kids up from school.  I took them with me to collect the medicine – another queue.

A visit to the garage revealed that my flat tyre is an ex-tyre.  It has a split in it.  A most musical experience.  On that note, the damage must have been caused by something sharp, and then it was only natural that flats followed. 

T’s car to garage for all four wheels to be exploded … er, blown up.  So that is happy again.

Now, just after lunch, Much Better Half has revealed that she feels ghastly with ‘flu or something, so I need to take her to the doctor.


Late afternoon:  return after a chronic sinus diagnosis and collecting the contents of half a pharmacy shelf for her personal consumption.  Of course, they were out of stock with one of the items, and had to phone the doctor for a substitute.  The phones weren’t working too well … 

When I restored the compressor to the garage, the roller-door split in two.  And I see that the swimming pool has developed a leak.

I need a drink. 

 © Colonialist June 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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47 Responses to A Really Awfully Tyresome Moanday

  1. Pingback: Really awfully tyred out! | Colonialist's Blog

  2. I;m exhausted. Sounds like a tiring day… 😉


  3. Gobetween says:

    When something goes wrong it always comes in a set of 3 disasters.


  4. gpcox says:

    Have a drink on me! 🍸


  5. guyportman says:

    What an awful day. You certainly needed a drink after that.


  6. Arkenaten says:

    Why on Monday? Why not Tuesday or Thursday? Perhaps its karma that one cannot thwart tradition?


  7. The Asian says:

    That really is an awful Moanday. I hope that today goes better


  8. Pussycat44 says:

    Well, that was a Moanday for you.


  9. Kathleen says:

    Well I hope your Tuesday is better Col. 🙂


  10. Littlelost says:

    One drink is not enough, a bottle or two might do 🙂


  11. I had a drink for you, Col. I had a Monday, too. Here’s to Tuesday. 🙂


  12. calmgrove says:

    The only good thing about disasters, Col, is that you can hone your raconteur skills by telling it several times to different audiences. Except that now you’ve spoilt it all by broadcasting it to the whole world…


  13. cobbies69 says:

    This comes to mind….

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Oh, Good Golly Miss Molly! What an absolute ‘B’ of a day, Col. The song,”Just another manic Monday” springs to mind. Hope MBH recovers quickly.


  15. Grannymar says:

    Commiserations on the dreadful Monday. Those wheel nuts are the devil to shift, but they are put on my at a garage with an impact wrench.


  16. Meanwhile if you can put down that red wine ?.. On a table rather than down your neck. These things happen. Been there done that. Still waiting for the water pump and parts that I paid for two months ago.


    • colonialist says:

      I much prefer the putting down throat option.
      Maybe the pump and parts would hasten up if you could give a gentle reminder by way of a tattoo played on the cranium using a large wrench?


  17. misswhiplash says:

    Oh my word, that really is a bad Monday…maybe you are right…. it should be changed. Could it be a Daymon..then it would be great to have a new day of the week which people will like, or else we could move Monday to the day before Saturday then everyone would love it cos we all love Fridays.


  18. A sod’s law kind of day. Clicking “like” was kind of sarky: it’s a sympathy “like”. I hope people and cars feel better tomorrow.


  19. suzicate says:

    What a day! Time to rewind and restart!


  20. disperser says:

    . . . and now, so do I.


    • colonialist says:

      And so now, to cap it all, I am encouraging alroads into incohol?


      • disperser says:

        . . . sounds as if you’ve already liberally partaken, but no. It was just a figure of commiserating speech.

        The amount of alcohol I drink is well shy of even the most liberal definition of alcoholism. More like alcoholdropism.


        • colonialist says:

          I have all the vices except hard drugs, which I have never sampled nor want to. However, I smoke up to 3 cigarettes a day, enjoy up to two glasses of red wine of an evening, and frequently binge on sweets and chocolates. The application of alcohol per eye-dropper would not appeal to me!


          • disperser says:

            No drugs here, ever. We try to have four ounces each of wine (measured) in the evening, but we forget often, and if we are away from home, we don’t drink at all. We only started having wine a few years ago for varied reason. Before that, there were countless years alcohol-free, but I did grow up in Italy, and a mix of water, a little wine, and sugar was a common drink at meals.

            I’ve never liked any of the hard stuff, and beer has always seemed to me a foul drink.


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