Flying Insect Really Awful Nonsense Rhyme

The sort of things kids do here at winter birthday parties.  R going down!

The sort of things kids do here at winter birthday parties. R going down this weekend!

And for some rhyme but no real reason:

 FlyscreenYou’re going fly-fishing and hoping for trout –
But how to select a good fly you’re in doubt?
Well, if you’ve a hardware store somewhere about,
Fly-screening’s the thing that will sort all that out! 

And here is a puzzle that I’d like to set,Mosquito Net
Just how many mozzies would you need to get –
To have enough for you to quite safely bet –
On making a short bit of mosquito-net? 

Atlas Moth

And then, has it ever occurred to your mind,Mothballs
When looking at moths of each size and each kind,
To wonder why privates they scatter behind,
And, also, why moth-balls so large one may find?

© Colonialist August 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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21 Responses to Flying Insect Really Awful Nonsense Rhyme

  1. adeeyoyo says:

    Bwahahaha, Col, you DO have such a sense of humour!


  2. Stunning moth closeup of the moth, Col. The tips of the wings almost look like a combination of Eagle/snake heads.

    Your link on Mister Linky shows your post “not found.” Is this the post I should add? 🙂


  3. Sonel says:

    Looks like R had lots of fun Col. Love the moth. What a beauty! 😀


  4. It’s the middle of Summer here, so this is acutely topical, Col!


  5. What a fun pic, Col. We really are so spoilt here, with our amazing winter weather. 🙂 I don’t even want to think about the mozzie question, in case I attract any my way. You already have me imagining I’ve been bitten. 😯


  6. MoreThanACat says:

    that is such a beautiful moth/flutterby picture. Love the poem too – my answer to the riddle of the mozzie net – 7x more than you would think 🙂


  7. Grannymar says:

    Just reading this I am singing: “…. itchy, itchy, scratchy, scratchy, oooh I got one down my back-y…”, Now I am off to the shower!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am scratching like hell coz of this ode!


  9. misswhiplash says:

    I forgot to mention the mozzies you catch, but I can, t find a word that matches with catch…so you try to swat them with wacker or bat..that definitely would leave them dead and very flat xxxxx


  10. misswhiplash says:

    Well that indeed was a strange rhyme
    maybe nothing better to do with your time
    you want to go fishing with rod and line
    or study butterfly droppings, thats a bad sign.
    but your talent is there for all to see
    so I send this missive to you from me….


  11. Some winters you have there. The party looks like good fun. And your poem makes me shudder at the thought of all those mozzies!


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