Trilingual six word story challenge – DIY

Raised fence

DOLDRIEST has set the topic as DIY for her latest ultra-flash-fiction challenge, which requires a six-word story supported by a picture.  I am doing my story in Dutch, Afrikaans and English.  (The picture speaks all of them.)

Lage muur hoger; honden thuis blijven!

Lae muur hoër; honde bly tuis!

Low wall higher; dogs stay home!

I do hope this invention (self and DIY friend), and construction and fitting (the DIY friend), is going to prove collie-proof!  It will be noted why I needed to fix my chainsaw – that pile foreground right had to be removed to allow the raisers to fit.

 © Colonialist September 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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26 Responses to Trilingual six word story challenge – DIY

  1. Madhu says:

    Great job! On the wall and the story 😀


  2. That’s a solid piece of work, Col! And after I googled the abbreviation DIY, I can’t understand why I didn’t understand that immediately LOL.
    I hope your story has a happy ending and your collie stays in his domain! 😀
    Thanks for participating once more, and have a lovely Saturday.


  3. Pingback: Verhaal in zes woorden met beeld: Doe-Het-Zelf | DOLDRIEST

  4. misswhiplash says:

    That is what we are doing building trellis fence to keep dogs in, looks good so decorative as well as functional.
    Well done you have worked well


  5. nickczardas says:

    Sacre bleau, blerrie hel and aikona, this is a tough one.


  6. Looks good – sounds good 😀 #woof


  7. calmgrove says:

    Da iawn, Col, a bore da! Tres bien fait, Col, et bonjour! Well done, Col, and good morning!


  8. 7 feet high might do it.
    (provided there isn’t a bitch in season within 3 miles)


  9. de Wets Wild says:

    Looks like you had a massive job on your hands there, Colonialist!


  10. equinoxio21 says:

    Or, in spanish:
    Bajo muro arriba; perro, a la casa!


  11. equinoxio21 says:

    Bas mur plus haut; chien, á la niche!
    Have a great week-end “Col”


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