Really Awfully Moving Rhyme

xmas col jpeg-1

Six weeks of quite relentless slogging –

With no signs of a post –

You may think that I gave up blogging –

Or else perhaps, the ghost! –

Well, let me offer reassurance:

I still, in fact, exist;

Though only through extreme endurance,

And often getting p… *er, um* – kissed.


Five dogs, cat, also birds a pair of,

Plus human beings five,

In cottage where one might despair of

Having just three survive!

One bedroom barely has the space for

All my computer stuff,

Other, one bed; while lounge, three, place for,

Is barely quite enough.


Main house madly renovated –

Tiling still carries on,

When completion anticipated

One speculates upon …

Meanwhile, furniture is all piled up

And of no earthly use;

That stacks of what we need’s still packed up,

Offers us great abuse.


The move, for horror-story writers,

Plots for decades would give,

Two consecutive through-the-nighters –

I didn’t think we’d live!

I’m sure it would have people weeping

To know, at two a.m.,

Some wardrobes, with the rest all sleeping,

Were wrestled close past them!


And now all progress must be pausing

While builders go and play –

The Silly Season now is causing

Them all to holiday;

YD and grandkids will be flying

On Tuesday to Cape Town;

Oh well, in New Year we’ll be trying

At last to settle down.

© Colonialist Dec 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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20 Responses to Really Awfully Moving Rhyme

  1. The Asian says:

    Good to know that you’re still alive! Moving is extremely frustrating in itself, I can’t imagine what it must be like waiting for renovations to be done as well


  2. nrhatch says:

    So. Not. Jealous. Hope the living situation improves in the not-too-distant future.


  3. Tooty Nolan says:

    You have my sympathies. My wife that we’re never to move home again. The stress! The stress!


  4. Kev says:

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Good to see ye col! 😀


  5. gipsika says:

    🙂 Glad you managed to find the time to post. How you still manage to rhyme it all, that belongs in the hall of fame…

    Love to MBH, YD and the wee ones!


  6. Arkenaten says:

    Glad to see you’re back and in fine fettle.


  7. 68ghia says:

    Oh Col!!!
    Moving is bad enough, but having to live in close quarters while the house is being fixed up – that sucks major ass!! I know of what we speak – we lived in my grans house with all our furniture stacked in a room for about 6 months while our house was being built.
    The cat had kittens in the stored furniture and they were feral because we could not get to them!!
    Hope it does not take too long…


  8. Gobetween says:

    All the best, trying times these are, hope they don’t make you crazy.


  9. susielindau says:

    I’m so glad you’re back considering the renovation!


  10. misswhiplash says:

    oh what a terrible event
    No wonder you feel the need to lament
    If I lived nearer to your abode
    I would help you out , a load
    We have missed you, no doubt of that
    But we have to face the fact
    That no room to blog, is so exasperating
    It really gets the pulses racing
    The need to write, to post, to communicate
    To tell us all what is your fate.
    But be assured , we will not desert, we will not forget.
    We will wait patiently until your circumstances improve
    and you do not fret…..

    love you loads CV, and wishing you a calmer , happy Christmas( so I spelt a couple of words wrong ……who cares?….. you know what I mean


  11. cobbies69 says:

    Welcome back as one might say, even though you might not have been actually away… and your poem is up is up to their usual standards…. brill’ Happy Xmas..


  12. Pussycat44 says:

    Welcome back! As you can see by the comments, you and your awful rhymes were missed.


  13. newsferret says:

    Good to see you again, albeit still in a crazy mixed up den.


  14. Colline says:

    Good to know that you haven’t given up blogging. Do not envy you the renovation period and the living with over full wardrobes.


  15. Oh my golly goodness! How very frustrating! I certainly don’t envy you, but at least you’ll be able to spread out a bit whilst YD and grandkids are away. Always look on the bright side of life. 🙂


  16. Nicola says:

    All the best with the rest of it!


  17. MoreThanACat says:

    Oh thank heavens, you’re back. I was beginning to get worried. Well… no I wasn’t (I’m a cat) but the more than was… 🙂 Good to see you


  18. Stranger in the night

    Um, can’t think of anything relevant to rhyme. Wondered where you were though. Good to see an appalling rhyme.


  19. You ain’t seen nuffin yet. We moved eighteen months ago, and boxes are still giving us grief in the garage. The workmen are coming mid-January to instal woodburner and chimney, so it will all start again.


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