Colonialist credentials; Taxingly rev-healing Really Awful Rhyme


Adding to my credentials as a Colonialist, while unpacking some long-stored boxes I recently came across this picture of a little home my mother occupied while in Madras.  I wonder if we should model our current one on it?

Madras home

And now:


Tow truck

Sarie’s Tow Truck is greatly feared,

Or so they say,

For, if that truck ever your way steered,

One fateful day,

To kill your revs is what you should do –

And right away –

For it’s the wreck-heaver of revving-you,

To make you pay!

© Colonialist March 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Colonialist, verse, writing, music composition, fantasy, Africa, journal., Humour, Language, Personal Journal, Really Awful Rhyme, Wordplay and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

12 Responses to Colonialist credentials; Taxingly rev-healing Really Awful Rhyme

  1. I just love those all-round verandahs. They make a house liveable in a hot climate. How’s the leg?


  2. Tokeloshe says:

    What a beautiful photo.
    I have nominated you for a black and white photo challenge,

    5 Day Black and White-Day 1.


  3. I like that house. It might cost a wad to replicate, though…….


  4. Yes, I think MBH would approve of a house just like this. What a lovely style of architecture. Is that a roof garden I see? Hope your condition has improved somewhat with all the medication. Do you rattle yet? I hope to steer clear of Sarie’s dreaded tow truck. 🙂


  5. Patrecia (with an E) says:

    Slowly getting back to near normal…I love your Mother’s ‘little’ house..I would like a house like that…get well soon…is it feeling any better?


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