Add New Post on Old Screen – No More Beep Beep Boop

(Click on appropriate section of sidebar on right for translations, writings, compositions, awards and special series.)

Does Beep Beep Boop drive you dilly?  Did you always go back to the older version until the option to do so on the page below disappeared?

Beep beep boop

I’m not sure how it works on later themes, but for my preferred old one here is a quick method for getting back to the other far more flexible version:

Positing My Sites Blog Posts X and Tick

On the ‘My Sites’ dropdown, you don’t go to Blog Posts but to Sharing.

Posting Sharing Post New

A new dropdown appears, and with this one the ‘Posts’ and ‘Add New’ get you into the old version, with the usual plaintive urge to use the ‘new posting experience’ – no, thank you.  The old one gives far better response and ease in operation for changing fonts and colours, adding links, and manipulating elements generally.

Dead easy – when you know how.  You have no idea how long it took me to find it out, though!

 © Colonialist April 2014 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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21 Responses to Add New Post on Old Screen – No More Beep Beep Boop

  1. tgeriatrix says:

    I also don’t like this “beep beep ” version. When you go via the admin tab and then to the posts you also come to the old version.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. El Rolyat says:

    Oh. Sorry for the repeat comment – please feel free to delete the extra one 🙂


  3. El Rolyat says:

    I reblogged this on Far Out in Africa and had this to say about it (my first reblog ever. I hope I did it right):
    “I don’t know about anyone else, but I really Really don’t like the “improved posting experience” we are now being forced to use when writing a new post.
    Heaven knows why it’s been changed – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
    Colonialist found a way to beat the system and he has kindly told us how he did it. It works for me and I am very grateful to him.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. El Rolyat says:

    Reblogged this on Far Out in Africa and commented:
    I don’t know about anyone else, but I really Really don’t like the “improved posting experience” we are now being forced to use when writing a new post.

    Heaven knows why it’s been changed – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

    Colonialist found a way to beat the system and he has kindly told us how he did it. It works for me and I am very grateful to him.


  5. The Asian says:

    That beep beep bop drives me insane! Luckily I usually use my phone for blogging so I don’t have to deal with it


  6. El Rolyat says:

    That beep beep boop thing drives me crazy! THANK YOU for posting this – I have bookmarked the page for future reference 🙂 And once I have finished the Five Photos, Five Stories Challenge I am going to reblog this – it is very useful to know.
    Strangely, if I am on my laptop at home, creating a new post always takes me to the older (easier) version but my office computer does not.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Arkenaten says:

    I am forced to open a new post in the beep mode, so I write a title, press save draft then immediately access it via the drop down as you’ve listed.
    Of, course once you are out of the Old mode and continue to press ‘Edit’ it will automatically take you back to ‘beep’.
    But it gets sorted in the end!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pussycat44 says:

    I’ll save this post until I can figure out what I get on my screen when blogging. Thanks, Col.


  9. Somebody told me – I think it was Misky – ages ago and I’d only used the new version once or twice, which was more than enough for me. I wish WordPress would appreciate that most bloggers are a little bit more sophisticated than dippy teenagers…

    I gathered a load of complaints from other bloggers to add to my own, and gave a list to Celie Gunther of (my favorite blogger) to take when she went to speak at the WordPress conference in Portland, Oregon. She passed it on to what WP quaintly call the “happiness engineers”.. Watch this space.


    Liked by 1 person

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