Really Awfully Enveloped in the Photo Challenge.

Translate; Vertaal; Vertalen; Traduire; Übersetzung: μετάφραση: Tradução: Перевод; Traducción: – ->
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Enveloped by its wings, the bat
Wonders what on earth you’re at:
Thinks you must be quite a clown
To be living upside-down.


Enveloped in this handy shell
For protection does quite well –
Though does stick out quite a lot,
For its slimy trail to plot.

Greenery blocking scenery.

Enveloped thus in greenery
This road loses scenery,
Maybe, that, it will transcend
When it sends us round the bend. 

© Colonialist May 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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24 Responses to Really Awfully Enveloped in the Photo Challenge.

  1. Pingback: Display of Genius at Bodleian Library | litadoolan

  2. prior says:

    nice poetry to go with your trio of pics – I like the snail the most – but all are nice.


  3. Millie Ho says:

    The bat photo is striking. The perspective is reminiscent of a moth coming out of its cocoon. Nature is fascinating close-up. Good words, as well.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very clever as always Col!


  5. Grannymar says:

    It took me a second or two to realise the first image was a bat. Round these parts they are a protected species, but thankfully go for the highest building and we have an old linen mill close to hand.


    • colonialist says:

      Bats should be protected – they do a valuable job in keeping down the insect population. Our large fruitbats often hang out for their day’s sleep in leafy trees.


  6. The Asian says:

    I reacted in exactly the same way as AD with the first two photos! I really like the third one though, it looks so calm and peaceful


  7. Eeek!………the first two photos. 😯 Very clever, really awful verse, Col. Happy weekend to you and MBH.


  8. bulldog says:

    What a great post


  9. adeeyoyo says:

    I have always loved the word ‘enveloped’ Col. So cozy and descriptive and you have done very well with it here!


  10. They were all good, but that bat photo is mind blowing. Did you take it? If so, where?


  11. I’ll take the road, thank you. 🙂


    • colonialist says:

      A bit surprising. Your exploits are actually a bit batty, although you can’t be accused of moving at a snail’s pace. As for taking the road, wasn’t the Natchez Trail enough? 🙂


  12. Colline says:

    Enjoyed both the photo and the poetry 🙂


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