Really Awfully Short-sighted View Lacking Vision

Paradise and parking lot
Would seem to fit the case
When looking at the ghastly blot
Now fronting our old place.

Old view from home.

As it was.

The views one fondly may recall,
Out wide across the sea,
Are now a lovely precast wall –
What great felicity!

Wall old place

As now is.

It seems new owners set more store
On safety than on view;
Compare, now, outlook from next door
Of which wall is in lieu!

Next door sea view

Next door, and views are still unrestricted.

But why they bought it seems a lack
Of common sense to show;
And as for parklands out the back –
You just don’t want to know!

Bridge and river old home

The inland side, as was.

At flattening they’ve started:
Ponds, island, are no more;
Bridge, river too,  departed –
More tasteful walls to score.

Cleared site

The bright side from our point of view,
With all that has been done,
Is:  gone the home that once we knew …
We’ll make another one!

© Colonialist June 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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23 Responses to Really Awfully Short-sighted View Lacking Vision

  1. Yikes! Some people are crazy. 😦


  2. kutukamus says:

    Aw, this is so us..
    Since for every view one makes
    Chance is
    There will be another wall anew


  3. I will just add my observation to the lot–dreadful! There really can’t be any excuse that would make it easier to understand. Such a beautiful spot…whatever could they be thinking. I think you should mail them a copy of your verse!


  4. Tokeloshe says:

    It is such a pity ;-(


  5. Grannymar says:

    “There’s nowt so queer as folk” as my late mother-in-law used to say and she was not talking about Sexual orientation! Look on the good side, they did not buy the house next door and leave you looking at that wall! You took the folks you love and the good memories with you and nobody can build a wall round them!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I guess these people have very different priorities…Your verse puts a gentle spin on your definitive views on the subject! Well done!


  7. melouisef says:

    A precast wall? How tacky can you get? There were other options we know.


  8. People are weird. Possibly those are paranoid too. Our previous house has been turned into a vulgar bordello (it’s for sale again, and the pictures in the ad made me spit!). I really feel for you – perhaps it’s better not to know.


  9. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    Strange! Don’t understand that at all. So sad, as it was SUCH a beautiful outlook and garden!


  10. Pussycat44 says:

    How sad, Col. I saw the same happening to my parents’ house: a swimming pool where once there was a thriving vegetable garden.


  11. adeeyoyo says:

    I marked ‘like’ although I don’t like what they have done one little bit!


  12. Those people are weird 😉


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