Silent Death, and Vain About Really Awful Limerick


Transported into the Past


Silent death speakerDuring the Book Fair ending yesterday a talk was given about early transport in Durban, including a display of amazing miniature trolleybuses.   It was related that they were nicknamed ‘Silent Death’ because of their relative silence in creeping up on unaware pedestrian – as opposed to their noisy predecessors, the tramcars.

He also mentioned that the first steam train in South Africa, in 186o, ran from the Point to Durban centre, beating Cape Town by two years.  Entertaining references were also made to earlier days of radio in South Africa, bringing in many personages who were household names during, particularly, the halcyon days of Springbok Radio.

Beware of Limericks Roaming Free

At ‘Limerick Off’ of Mad Kane
With rhyme-words of ‘vein’, ‘vane’ or ‘vain’,
I used up all three,
Which, as you will see,
Allowed me an Hon Mench to gain!

My entry:

Les a/k/a Colonialist:

In vain he consulted the vane
In seeking a windfall to gain;
But how winds will blow,
One never can know,
So, done in that vein, it’s a pain.

My response to the Mention:

My honorability, now,
Does give me great pleasure, I vow;
To be here upon a
Position of honour*
Is something I treasure, and how!

*I used American spelling there, though.
© Colonialist September 2015 (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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11 Responses to Silent Death, and Vain About Really Awful Limerick

  1. libraschild says:

    still suspicious of trams in general that still exist for similar reasons


    • colonialist says:

      You have perhaps been put off by the delightful old rhyme:
      ‘Oh, mother dear, do come and look
      At this nice strawberry jam!’
      ‘Hush, hush, my dear, it is your Pa,
      Run over by a tram.’


  2. Kev says:

    I like limericks. 😉


  3. Arkenaten says:

    Nothing like a bit of history to make me smile. And on that note, I forget to comment on the Alice post, I got so engrossed. Let me pop back.


  4. Trolleybuses in Glasgow were known as Creeping Jesus!


  5. disperser says:

    . . . if I ever own an electric car, I’ll name it Silent Death.


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