Christmas Splash Done and Dusted





Christmas tree on Xmas day

Christmas gifts

Here we have our Christmas Tree on Christmas morning, just before being attacked by two eager Christmas Fairies who distributed the mountain of parcels to ourselves and themselves.

The one below it shows some of my personal loot – including a much-needed new printer.

Then I put on the minimum possible bathing costume and went to do battle with a trench which was far too near the play area for comfort.  To get that job dusted was a question of moving lots of compacted dust with grass growing though it, and rubble and buried bricks to provide some extra challenge.

After that I quickly cleaned the pool, and – finally – gratefully entered it.  I’m sure it sizzled slightly as I got in.

Then it was time to set out for dinner on the Berea with Br-& Sr-i-L.  Their cat Ossie entertained the girls for hours on end while we had a delightfully extended Christmas banquet.  Salmon mousse starter, and then the turkey and sundry wonderful salads.  The turkey got a last-minute filling of onions, and whether it was that or being roasted in butter or both, was most likely the best I have ever tasted.  Berry trifle and ice cream came much later.

More gifts were distributed, and I got a new stainless braai (barbecue) which I managed to cut myself on while admiring it, and I bled to myself for a while.  I shall be doing some sorting of sharp corners before further use!   Libations were taken (in moderation by Younger Daughter as designated driver) and a great time was had by all.

Today there was a spot of weeding, and tidying. and entertaining some visiting friends.  These had to leave early to prevent their pooch population from going into cadenzas over a sudden attack of thunder which occurred.

Tomorrow, we head for the Midlands yet again, to attend a wedding.  We already have a pair of male friends who are married to one another; now a female  friend of Elder Daughter from early schooldays on is hitching up with a female partner.  We may moan about South Africa, but at least it has lost a great deal of ignorant intolerance – unlike many more ‘advanced’ parts of the world.

Apparently we have rain and mist to look forward to.  Ah, well.

© December 2015 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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9 Responses to Christmas Splash Done and Dusted

  1. Ruth2Day says:

    you certainly had a few nice gifts there Col! is your printer wifi?


  2. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    Mr Noble, you never cease to amaze me! Such energy! I’m exhausted just READING about your day! Please never slow down-even only for your followers’ entertainment! Wishing you and yours an energetic and fruitful New Year!


  3. Andrew says:

    Be careful with that Christmas fairy dust – effects may linger until Easter.


  4. disperser says:

    I find ignorant intolerance differs in different parts of the world, but is never absent.

    . . . sounds like you have a busy life. Maybe, it’s just life . . .


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