A Really Awful State

This week, the photo challenge is ‘State of Mind

Natal Midlands Scene

The Midlands* is a lovely place
Where peace of mind is found,
So it would be a great disgrace
If fracking there was found.

The ‘exploration’ underway
Is a disgraceful biz,
For one would like the place to stay
Exactly as it is.

Imagine this should be a spot
Where they had made a find – 
One’s state of mind would change a lot
To see a state of mined.

*KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
© February 2016 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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27 Responses to A Really Awful State

  1. Tom Merriman says:

    Sigh. They seem to want to frack everywhere nowadays.
    Good post, Col.


  2. The Oracle Jasmine Kyle says:

    I gasped aloud when you said FRACKING!!!! Has the world gone mad??


  3. gipsika says:

    Is that a recent photo? Never seen the Midlands that dry!


  4. Looks good to me.



  5. Clever verse on a horrible theme.


  6. The possibility of fracking reduced the value of our house to where it was pretty much worth nothing to nobody! In the end, they desisted (although too late to save us or the house) on the fracking – for now – and I am most thankful for that. It is a nasty business.


  7. Nooooo!! They must be stopped at all costs. 😕


  8. Pingback: WPC: State of Mind (Train Compartment) | Chris Breebaart Photography / What's (in) the picture?

  9. Looks beautiful Col. Fracking? …


  10. Pussycat44 says:

    These frackers are persistent aren’t they? Don’t touch me on my Midlands!


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