Topping up Swimming Pools using a 2 Litre Mineral Bottle!

Due to the current drought, and all the supply dams being at alarmingly low levels, we have official water restrictions.  A saving of 15% on normal consumption is mandatory, and watering gardens using a hose, or topping up swimming pools, is prohibited.  Our large portable puddle was losing water by the day, and I was afraid that soon it would be good only for going paddling with pants slightly rolled up.  I thought of a rainwater tank, but we can’t afford one of those at the moment (other than 3 X 150 Litres I have acquired for storing backwashed water). 

So, some invention was called for.  I decided to find a way to convert downpipe flow into hosepipe flow.  A mineral bottle seemed to be a likely candidate for the job.

Dismantled.  Note brick as a support for the weight.Dismantled. Note brick as a support for the weight.

The nearest downpipe was too narrow for a Coke bottle, but the type with a waist was ideal for cutting down exactly where widths matched.  Then I screwed, glued and taped a hose fitting onto the neck, and strengthened the part where it fits over the pipe with more tape.

The convertor in action.

The convertor in action.

The first rainstorm was a disaster.  Just as the pipe had filled enough to lift the water over the lip of the pool, the pressure blew the whole apparatus apart with a mighty gush of water.  Amazing how only a metre or so held in a pipe has so much pressure.  Back to the drawing board.

Hose feed.

Hose feed closeup

Hose into pool

Hose into pool – distant














Two little holes a hose-width apart in the lip of the drain, using a masonry bit, and strong wire bent into a ‘U’ as a clip, and I had the answer.  Plug the wide end of the bottle onto the pipe, the hose onto the neck fitting, and secure by pushing the U-support over the hose and into the two holes just behind the fitting, and the whole thing stays put even in a heavy downpour.

Pool level change from two thunderstorms.

Pool level change from two thunderstorms.


Over two evenings of thunderstorms, the apparatus added about 1000 litres to the pool, and the tanks are full too.

© February 2016 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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29 Responses to Topping up Swimming Pools using a 2 Litre Mineral Bottle!

  1. Ranger says:

    other than cutting the down pipe to make it higher than the pool, is there a way to pipe the water into the pool?


    • colonialist says:

      The way a siphon works, no matter how far down the water is fed off from, as long as the top of the pipe is higher than the edge of the pool the water will flow. Think of a pipe bent into an upright U. If one arm is longer than the other, and water is poured into the top on that side, air pressure will cause a flow to start out of the top of the shorter arm.



    How does the water from the downpipe (seems to be lower than the hose in the pool) reach a level higher than the source?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Mineral Bottle Keeps Pool Filled for Over 2 1/2 Years | Colonialist's Blog

  4. Pingback: Not flatulence or a wee spot of damp. | Colonialist's Blog

  5. libraschild says:

    oh well done col! as you say even if the dams are full, why pay for the water getting lost anyways. most ingenious


  6. Arkenaten says:

    Excellent, Mister N. You are one clever fella!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ruth2Day says:

    you are a genius!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. This is so clever and inventive…..thankfully in Scotland rain is a rich resource….it is really amazing how much you can collect from the roof gutters and down flows😊💕


  9. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    My son-out-law invented a similar contraption last year, but he removed part of the down-pipe, which I didn’t understand at the time, but thanks to philosopheretc,, now do! Son-out-law aso has a net filter contraption to trap any leaves, debris etc.


  10. ingenious. Necessity truly is the mother of invention. Will you keep doing it this way even after water restrictions are lifted?


    • colonialist says:

      It makes sense to continue. Even if dams are overflowing, why pay for water if one can collect it for free? That would be like having a thriving vegetable patch, but continuing to visit the greengrocers instead of harvesting.


  11. Colline says:

    Very ingenious. Well done!


  12. Outstanding invention. My engineering-brained husband applauded. He said the downward head pressure in downspout is was creating too much pressure and blew apart. Another possibility is shoving a pipe/pipes (hooked to an elbow then a pipe to the pool) a couple of feet up the drainpipe itself or tap into the downspout up higher to reduce pressure….More than you ever wanted to know…he’ll probably be drawing out plans next. HA HA
    We all get creative during droughts.
    Congrats and enjoy the swim!


  13. Brilliant. There was a drought in te 90s when we put a dustbin under the washing machine outlet and used it to water the veggie garden. Only partially successful as some of the plants didn’t seem to like detergent in their drinking water! Bath water worked a bit better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • colonialist says:

      We have also found that bath water works well, but the bath is below the levels of the garden so it is either buckets or an electric pump. The latter is robbing Peter to pay Paul.


    • colonialist says:

      That is a disgraceful infringement into property rights. In areas where water is short and that water is diverted usefully it might be understandable.
      One’s swimming pool collects some of it by being there. Is that illegal?
      Actually, the law is ridiculous. Most of the saved rainwater will find its way into the river systems after use by the landowner. Reserving rights to what is under and over land (mining rights eg) has always interfered with basic property-owners’ rights, and all authorities should have been prevented from starting it at the outset.

      Liked by 2 people

      • disperser says:

        Almost all of our water is from run-off. Plus, Colorado sold a lot of water rights to other states, and since most of the water is from runoff, we don’t “own” that water.

        It’s ridiculous because the people who profited from that are long gone, and things have drastically changed since 90 years ago.

        Liked by 2 people

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