Tripping Along Really Awfully

Today on dash back to our door
I tripped and fell on concrete floor,
Full-length, just as I took a stride
Up to veranda on one side;
I bashed my forehead and my knee –
It was a sorry sight to see! –
But SPCA wineglass bought
Today (one of the cut-glass sort)
Emerged from fall, of damage, free,
Although it ‘tinged’ indignantly;
My knee is sore, my forehead bled;
I have a lump upon my head;
I thought I must have lost the plot
And growing senile I have got …
But found the incident was due
To flapping sole of faulty shoe.
(I ask you now, what should I do:
Just bin it, or resort to glue?)

This sole is lost, for it has started Joining with the dear departed, And wants mate to go there, too, As it now becomes a 'chew'!

This sole is lost, for it has started
Joining with the dear departed,
Wants its mate to go there, too,
As it now becomes a ‘chew’!

© July 2016 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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33 Responses to Tripping Along Really Awfully

  1. Pingback: Really Awful Loss of Two Old Friends | Colonialist's Blog

  2. beeblu says:

    Sjoe! Poor you, to be undone by a chew.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. What a shoe blow out. I had a runner friend that used to use Gorilla glue or something for his favorites…but at some point they may have to be retired not just re-tried.
    Glad you are OK


  4. libraschild says:

    bin, DEFINITELY bin


  5. GP Cox says:

    The shoes are easy to wear
    Despite there being a tear
    You know in your heart
    Get new shoes at the mart
    But you can’t seem to toss this pair.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. MoreThanACat says:

    May I humbly suggest that you hang the boots up somewhere, where they can reflect upon their bad behaviour until they are ready to say sorry?

    Liked by 2 people

  7. calmgrove says:

    When, in a rush, you fall on arse
    (Or knee or head) but save the glass
    Then what you need to turn from farce
    Is good strong wine, a touch of class.

    Old bones that suffer with bad vibes heal fast when you imbibe

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Joss says:

    When shoes have a nervous breakdown and fall apart, it is time to do the honourable thing and release them from their tug on your heart.
    And this is why I don’t write rhyme!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. disperser says:

    I don’t believe in them but it is said if one loses one’s soul, they can’t ever gain it back. Good riddance, I say, and don’t come back.

    What? Ah, sole.

    . . . same difference.

    My experience with fixing shoes is that they never quite feel the same. Thus, repairs increasethe chance of another mishap. Think of it as the shoe being ready to move on to the great beyond and you are forcibly keeping it here . . . it’s gonna be mighty cross, no doubt.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Another ‘Owee’! Hubby had to stick the soles back on his working shoes a couple of days ago. I hope they last until he doesn’t need them any longer, or he’ll have to relegate another pair of perfectly good tackies. 😕

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Ek dink jou skoene kan nie meer by jou byhou nie, jy werk sooo hard! En ek vermoed jou beskermengeltjies het ‘n vakansie nodig 😀


  12. Tom Merriman says:

    Well, when you fix them, tell them so
    That if clown you feel then they shall go
    Tell them firmly, tongue and sole,
    You’ll only keep them when they’re whole


  13. Pussycat44 says:

    Sorry, but I had to laugh! Hurrying doesn’t get you there any faster, you know that. Easy does it, ol’ friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. You have my total sympathy. I feel like the expert in falls these days. Although the last one I did I actually reacted sensibly and went down nicely, fluidly and got up again. Total fluke.

    On shoes. We’ve glued some of ours with bike puncture kit glue, for rubber, yes? My Birkenstocks are held together my masking tape, also works well. I do try and remember not to go out in them …

    Hope you are feeling OK though. Falls in older age really are a worry. Slow down, you move too fast etc.

    Liked by 1 person

    • colonialist says:

      That one fall of yours was a classic!
      I am inclined to think that when one becomes less able to bounce successfully, as I used to do when falling off horses, one should avoid any extra hazards which might add to the risk. Glad that there was a good reason for my tumble, though!


  15. Tom Merriman says:

    I say, a second chance, I beg of you
    To prolong the life of your faulty shoe
    And then if shoe falls apart once more,
    Well, have done with it forevermore!

    (Hope you’re OK after your trip, Col. Sounds nasty. Comical, but nasty) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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