Season to Seize on Seas on What One Sees on a Narrow View


I visited the private beach path I help maintain to see how it had withstood the recent deluges.  It had fared rather well, with only two of my latest steps at the bottom having suffered.  The path beyond that, though, had become a  Narrow furrow.


After starting repairs, I went to see the sea and found it set into sets of narrow lines.

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Not quite so narrow, though – those waves are massive!  Note the size of the surfer on top of the dark wave shown in the above crop of the previous picture.  And this was one of the smaller sets!  When the surfer returned to shore I wished him happy birthday and he gazed at me in the greatest astonishment at such an (accurate) wish from a complete stranger.  (I had met his brother filming him a bit earlier, and we had chatted for a while.)


© July 2016 Colonialist (WordPress)


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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13 Responses to Season to Seize on Seas on What One Sees on a Narrow View

  1. Pingback: Today I Am Narrow Minded | Lillie-Put

  2. Die surfer het dalk gedink jy is ‘n towenaar wat magies verskyn, ‘n wyse woord spreek en dan weer verdwyn… Hoe wens ek dat ek more op daardie paadjie kon gaan loop…verlang na die see…


  3. ‘n Slim inskrywing


  4. Pingback: Narrow (Wired Path) | What's (in) the picture?

  5. hahaha you’re a psychic wave watcher 😀


  6. Joss says:

    There’s something magical about the sea. I can spend hours watching and listening to the waves.


  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Narrow – WoollyMuses

  8. Lovely walk. Thanks for sharing.


  9. disperser says:

    I do like waves. I hope to catch a few monsters here sometimes . . . digitally, that is, not on a surfboard.


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