Disaster strategy

dsc00034 wordle-268

Misfortunes billow? Filter with a shoulder to the wheel,

Bridge blade-strike moments: spin them with their grain; like wisp they feel!

Lock out invaders; barge, in need, a shark-fin to reject,

And, with such action, may upon safe coming-through reflect.

Wordle 268 ,with my normal personal challenge of using all words in order as given, adding as few as possible, and making them rhyme.

© October 2016 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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14 Responses to Disaster strategy

  1. How you did that with so few words baffles me! Excellent

    My Whirl is called Marion


  2. annell4 says:

    Again I am amazed.


  3. Oh wow not only did you brilliantly use the words and paint a dramatic and dynamic image you managed to pull it off using rhyme and brevity, bravo


  4. Jae Rose says:

    This sounds like a disaster strategy which paid dividends – I admire your crisp, crested words


  5. You have the knack, or gift of creating a different world in a few words. Loved it. Dramatic to the last word.


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