Spied on, Identification Parade, Point of Interest, and Chick Lit to get Fired up after.


Last night I got spied on by this Cream-striped Owl Moth Cyligramma latona. They are quite shy, so I was pleasantly surprised that it stuck around for long enough for me to go indoors for my camera. One second after I took the picture, there it was gone!


On Saturday morning we went to an open day at young Rs school to consider whether even-younger J will go there after her current Grade R year.  After that, with a couple of other parents, we repaired to Point Yacht Club which has had a makeover of the area outside the building. The kids enjoyed a splash pool and play area while we enjoyed beers and a late breakfast.


This is part of a church garden where, on Saturday afternoon, we were required to identify dozens of plants as an exercise organised by Durban and Coast Horticultural Society.  After that, we took a computer to Sister-in-Law, who was burgled a week ago when all computers, laptops, hard drives and memory sticks were taken, and I tried to recover files from another backup hard drive.  Folders insisted they were empty, but I found one of far too large a size to be thus. I called its bluff and managed to unlock it.  My popularity rating is high.


On Sunday we went to a nursery where I bought a Gloriosa superba (Flame Lily) plant.  I miss the ones we used to have down our beach path, so it will be good to have them blazing away again at our new home.

The kids were much taken with an eight-day-old single hatchling which has been removed from the fowl enclosure as the other fowls were being foul to it.  It now lives in an area which has pet cats and dogs, but they are respecting its special status. It is also quite miraculously avoiding being trodden on by customers.  The tiny ball of fluff follows the resident human everywhere, failing which it attaches to one of the dogs.


Much Better Half and Younger Daughter got all fired up with enthusiasm yesterday afternoon and managed to reduce an astonishingly large pile of garden refuse to ashes on the barbeque.  The aim was to use the coals for cooking, but it remained far too hot for hours — so an electric grill had to be resorted to.

© January 2017 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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15 Responses to Spied on, Identification Parade, Point of Interest, and Chick Lit to get Fired up after.

  1. Beautiful butterfly capture. 😍


  2. Excellent post. I like ‘spied on’ and am impressed by your IT skills


  3. Show off! Gloriosa superba indeed!


  4. That moth picture is gorgeous. Perfect. We’ve spotted a couple of monarch butterflies today – either they are very foolish or we may have an early spring…it is mid 70’s F this week.
    Love the garden. It’s so flat here.
    Sounds like you and yours are very busy – and having a good time.


  5. susielindau says:

    You saved the day! I watched an episode of Hunters where a team thought they had wiped the memory of their computer, assuming that included the cloud. Everything was there. Contacts, strategy… Now I know what to wipe if I ever give my computer away! Glad you found the files.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. disperser says:

    You should have adopted the little fluff . . .


  7. mostly successful 😀 love the photos


  8. Tom Merriman says:

    I’m sure some moths and butterflies just wait for their photos to be taken, Col… I took a few shots of one last year that fluttered to the best leaf for me. They know what they’re doing!


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