The Really Awful Modern Degeneration

Can’t be without it to be with it.


If you would join the factions
Within the modern age,
There are some vital actions
In which you should engage,
Do get some nasty pigments
To pin into your skin —
Imagination figments —
On torso, arm or shin.

(These used to be confined to
Bad villains from the East,
Or those who were inclined to
Go out to sea; deceased,
To recognise the latter,
When bodies wash ashore,
Is an important matter —
And that’s where tattoos score.)


Apart from such, to make you
Feel utterly unique,
Some other habits take you
To a conforming freak —
Don’t listen to good music,
A beat is all you need;
And books that you must choose? Stick
To comics — if you read

Foul up your speech to utter,
Between each group of words,
Expressions from the gutter,
Involving, often, turds;
And adjectives and adverbs
Must be replaced, to vex,
By one of truly bad verbs,
Denoting having sex.

Get lips and nostrils garnished,
And belly-buttons, too,
With rings that, when they’re tarnished,
Can cause quite a to-do,
(Especially if placing
Them quite a lot more south —
More trouble you’d be facing
Than were they on the mouth!)

From second time of meetings,
The very fondest hugs
Administer as greetings;
Experiment with drugs;
Talk sport when you’re conversing,
Cars, latest TV show,
Or scandal be rehearsing,
And you will be all go!

© February 2016 Colonialist (WordPress)

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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17 Responses to The Really Awful Modern Degeneration

  1. I thought I was alone – but you’ve said it all !!!!

    So addictive reading your blog after I had lost the link …


    • colonialist says:

      Not really a popular viewpoint with the majority I know, at present. Especially when I hint that it is all juvenile behaviour.
      Mea culpa for obviously not having visited often enough for you to get it back!


  2. Desdi says:

    Colonialist – can I post this at Hello Poetry (credited to you with a link, of course) ?


  3. Desdi says:

    Love this rhythmic write and agree completely. Even our degeneracy is degenerating.

    Wrote one very like it last year:


  4. You had a lot to say about tattoos! Very creative, indeed. Would you be surprised to learn that I have a tattoo? Just got it a year ago. Never thought I would do it, but I’m so happy I did. Makes my life so much easier. I’m not kidding, either. 🙂


  5. Brilliant. Leslie. Just think a few years down the line – all that sagging, technicoloured skin


  6. Debra says:

    Fabulous! I am a great admirer of your very creative “way with words!”


  7. elspethc says:

    Thinking words that rhyme with yuk
    For patterns penned in red or blue
    what will the tattooed wonders do
    when they need a tummy Tuck?

    Liked by 2 people

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