Green Female and Blackmail

Wordle 291

Not easy to make any sense out of using all the words in the given order, while also creating a rhyme, this week!


In green ball gown she rings the bell;

After admittance, a penguin-suited

Waiter will lead her in, as well

As furnish drink-tray with glasses fluted;

To festive board she goes, but eats,

In talk, no more than what a mouse would bag;

Men the orange to suck for sweets —

She has their secrets taped on disk, the hag!

© March 2017 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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9 Responses to Green Female and Blackmail

  1. Haha…… Sucking on an orange beats a lemon any day. 🙂


  2. Tom Merriman says:

    Well, Col, your entry makes more sense than mine this week! 😀 In order once again (I did try that this week, but failed…)


    • colonialist says:

      I was forced to get a bit long-winded to make them work, this time. The hardest thing was arriving at a narrative to facilitate the use of all of them, never mind in order!


  3. oldegg says:

    I am glad you have fun when you write as you have clearly done with this poem.


  4. calmgrove says:

    Particularly engaging and entertaining wordle, the sense unforced, the images strong. You are spoiling us, ambassador.


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