Really Awfully Featherbrained.


For conversation that is wise

Theres nothing thats still finer

Than, you will note with some surprise,

The talkative Hill Myna.


They out-talk crows, and parrots too,

And make a lot more sense than

The politicians ever do

There, each is a sore dense man.


Now, here is one I met today

Whose conversation dazzled,

And made more sense in every way,

Unlike those whose din frazzled.


(We visited Illovo Nursery today, where I met this fine feathered fellow. Then we read and heard utterances by Press-he-dent Zuma and his ilk. They have, in a manner of speaking, destroyed all the maize and are now promising the populace lots and lots of maize-meal.)

© April 2017 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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4 Responses to Really Awfully Featherbrained.

  1. Australia is plagued with Indian Myna birds, they are fast taking over the country and are at pest proportions. Killing plenty of our native birds. They are not as attractive as your Myna seems to be.
    Do they really talk?


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