Writing and a Ball Pen

Over the past couple of weeks, when I haven’t been conveying kids to swimming, netball and such things,  I have been very involved with writing — someone else’s. My novel way of earning a living has had me glued to the computer, but trying to avoid the temptations of social media or entertainment while shaping up a manuscript of a devilish fantasy for submission to an interested agent who provided the introduction. The writer is talented, qualified, and experienced, but I think both of us have been surprised at the number of issues which arose nevertheless. One often reads into one’s own work what one’s imagination is expecting to see, which doesn’t always tally with what is actually on paper.

I enjoyed the ‘away’ netball matches below, featuring young (now 9) J near the centre. She certainly gets around. She would throw a ball from one end of the field, and then somehow teleport herself to the other side of it to catch the next throw. or so it seemed.

Not that this field is in a pen, but the ones at her own school are.

Anyway, let me read turn to the manuscript …

© May 2017 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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9 Responses to Writing and a Ball Pen

  1. Debra says:

    I like the balance between being dedicated to the discipline of writing and editing to getting outdoors with your grandchildren and enjoy their activities. You are a very busy man!


    • colonialist says:

      Lately my balance has become a bit tottery, with lawns un-mowed and repairs falling further into disrepair. But at least I can claim to be a dashing hero — well, the dashing is undisputed, at least.


  2. Must be getting old, took my a few seconds to work out what you were rambling on about. 🙂 I was thinking it was going to be a short post (yours usually are short) on the virtues of a proper pen as against a ball point pen!


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