Just Bee Cause, Sea!

With school out, I took the kids on the long drive to the beach (3 minutes).

After getting dumped by a few waves, they decided the pool was a better idea.

This little guy was doing a rather poor freestyle in the pool. In spite of a phobia about anything that flies and may sting, I took him out. He then made life interesting by staying on my hand for 20 minutes to dry out before he flew away. Cute expression, though.

© July 2017 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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11 Responses to Just Bee Cause, Sea!

  1. Cute kids and amazing bee picture.


  2. disperser says:

    . . . that’s some hairy hands . . .


  3. That’s interesting; two legged kids; they strongly resemble children.
    Do South African goats have two legs and look like humans?


  4. Guy says:

    I don’t blame them. There is something to be said for a swimming pool.


  5. libraschild says:

    quite envious of the sparkling nature of the pool. TWENTY MINUTES with mr bee on you?! no!


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