Cats-22 Situation

We arrived at our new home with only one cat, Mr Mac, and he settled in remarkably. Then came the predicament of the two feral gingers, Pearl and Amber, and we duly adopted them. ‘No more,’ we said. But, more recently, had the wildcat that captured the heart of Younger Daughter at the factory where she works. That is where we declared, firmly, ‘enough already; if we carry on like this we’ll have twenty-two of them before you know it.’

Last week, however, Much Better Half arrived home with another cat! A friend, who on a school run gives her a lift back from visiting her sister, had found it under her car at home looking bedraggled and painfully thin. The family are not cat people, so MBH offered to adopt. Just as well, as things turned out. ‘Not-cat people’ would not have recognised that this kitty was seriously unwell. We did, from her lack of appetite and listlessness, and the next day I took her to the vet where she was filled up with antibiotics.

Over the next few days she would only move out of the room if I was in another nearby. She slept under my chin at night, and followed me around whenever she could, complicating any activities like playing the piano or working at the computer.

I could tell she was recovering well when, instead of greeting me after I had been out by rubbing with great affection against my hand, she pounced on it! Furious (clawless) kicking and scratching and (gentle) biting followed, and I now have to play-fight her regularly before she will settle down — still as close to me as possible.

MBH is a bit miffed. ‘Who adopted you?’ she says accusingly to Tabitha, as she named her, when she sees me receiving such preferential attention.

Tabitha is learning to ignore our long-suffering dogs, be wary of the ginger twins, and explore her territory more and more daily. Mr Mac feels a bit put out, but hopefully will soon learn that he is still much loved, even though no longer completely exclusive in our cottage.

The Cats-22 is that when we say we are not having any more cats, we promptly get another. Yet, if we looked for more, we would certainly find them.

© July 2017 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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33 Responses to Cats-22 Situation

  1. Wendy says:

    I recently became a pet parent. After my last cat passed, I said I wouldn’t get a cat ever again. Then, Roo walked into my life! Best decision ever.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Recurring Felines of Being Unable to Cope with Multiply Cat Shun! | Colonialist's Blog

  3. I love stories about sad cats that have a happy ending… so thank you for this, and for your wonderful open house for needy creatures….


  4. One of my blog friends built a whole room on her veranda for her cats with scratching posts and climbing frames and hidey holes, really cute 😺😻.


  5. toutparmoi says:

    Ain’t that the way. I grew up in a house of cats (not to be confused with a Cathouse) and I think my mother liked them better than us, her progeny. Certainly, they got away with far more than we ever did. And how often did my father say, “No more cats?” And then how often did the newest arrival become the apple of his eye? You guessed it.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. libraschild says:

    mmh sounds like an addiction starting in the Col family to me! is she really ‘the last one’?


  7. Trashing your desk again – well, that’s the thanks you get: she’s saving you by preventing s desk-focused lifestyle HAHA
    (You need to find that invisible sign out there that says “Welcome strays!”….we keep catching Molly trying to post one over here…this yard/house doesn’t have the capacity of the last one!)
    The more the merrier is true

    Liked by 1 person

    • colonialist says:

      Lucky we have two separate buildings. The ginger twins take serious exception to the latest arrival and lie in ambush with intent to do grievous bodily harm. So Tabitha still sticks to me closely for safety.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You’re a good man.


  9. Aaaag my moedertjie! ‘n Slim katjie, aangesien sy haar tot die “Hoof des huises” gewend het. Maar ek verstaan MBH se effense ongelukkigheid.


  10. Arkenaten says:

    Ah, yes, an all too familiar pattern that saw us eventually have a collection, as there is no other word for it, of 23.
    And even after a baker’s dozen number of years when we got down to only three last year, we have subsequently managed to ”adopt” a further two. It is the feline version of the Never Ending Story.
    Have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    P.S. Are all your cats gingers?


  12. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    Well done! Cat’s choose their servants, and you sound like a good and faithful one!

    Liked by 2 people

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