Not flatulence or a wee spot of damp.

Water Pity (Wordle 317)

We turn the tap but we forget
Where sucks the pipe to get the wet,

And, as we swing in shower spray,
What treatments keep the plague away;
Imagine tub, no word of taps,
No thump of geyser pipe, perhaps,
No shower or bath to keep us spry
Save water lest we all run dry!

A deluge last night filled my depleted pool again, using the famous 2L mineral bottle (still the original from February last year which has provided the sole source of supply since that time). The accompanying wind also blew trees down in the neighbourhood, broke another bit of barge board in our cottage, ripped a section of gutter loose, and scattered debris everywhere. Tiles were flying, and whole roofs were lost. These days every little breeze has given up seeming to whisper ‘Louise’, but is trying to imitate Irma instead.

© September 2017 Colonialist



About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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17 Responses to Not flatulence or a wee spot of damp.

  1. If the wind brings rain, I’ll take it. It’s the dry scorchers that are unwelcome and fan the flames.
    Nice you got your fill there. (Glad the trees felled elsewhere)
    (So you filter it? The color isn’t odd – our gulf is so brown from silt except on rare January days. Do you have to worry about mosquitoes there? it’s a swamp here – even without hurricanes and standing water is a concern…so the dog has a small wading pool that doesn’t take much water to fill and when done we can dip it out on plants. Water is quite expensive in this area)


    • colonialist says:

      Once I’ve filled the pool with the latest rainstorm, I clean out leaves etc, and then filter until the sand-trap is full. Then a backwash, after which I adjust pH levels etc as for any pool and add chlorine as necessary.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. By the bye, I liked your wordle thingy, you did very well young man! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Green water? Needs draining . should be blue! 😦


  4. disperser says:

    Good for the water, but sorry to hear about the damage. Seems that is something that’s a constant as humans and Nature interact.


  5. Wow! You were able to use these words, and rhyme as well. Love the poem. Hope things calm down soon.


    • colonialist says:

      Thanks! Using them in given order, as per my self-imposed rule, is often the hardest part. This time round I had to add quite a lot of words for sense and rhyme to emerge.
      The weather has calmed down and is debating whether to clear or not.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Fun word play and nifty rhythm, nice rhymes, and tight writing.
    All adds up to a non-flatulent and not dry at all poem.


  7. Tom Merriman says:

    We seem to be having odd weather everywhere of late, Col. It’s so frequent perhaps it should no longer be thought of as odd…


  8. Ooooo is jy nie bietjie vroeg nie… maar dan weet ek nie waar woon julle nie


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