Not as in War King*

The photo challenge now running is actually walking — as in Pedestrian

Why did the chicken cross the road? To see what the sign on the Rhode Island Red!

And on that theme, a quote from The Mouse in my Baa Baa Black Belt:
“ ‘…what strikes you when you cross a chirping insect with a flying mouse?’ Baa shook his head. ‘A cricket bat!’ giggled the Mouse. ‘And, what do you get when you cross a lamb with another lamb?’ Again, Baa shook his head. ‘Lambs two!’ and The Mouse went into fits of laughter.
‘I don’t think that’s very funny,’ Baa said frostily, after repeating ‘lambs two’ aloud a number of times until he suddenly realised what it sounded like.
The Mouse was not deterred ‘What d’you get when you cross a road with a chicken?’
‘Don’t know,’ said Baa.
‘Run over!’ squeaked The Mouse and laughed until tears ran down his whiskers…”

Why did the cat cross the road?

A pause in the middle to lick his paws
Is a cat plan which has some fatal flaws:
A house cat then flat cat, and as the cause
Would be lorry that ever closer draws!

Why did the stork cross the road? To effect a delivery!

You’ll find a stork
Won’t really walk,
And when it is pedestrian,
It no wise is equestrian:
Instead of being one who rides,
It certainly takes mighty strides!

On my birthday, I have a right to do some shameless advertising as in the heading pun, which alludes to the War King* in my novel Regina, and in the quote from The Mouse in Baa as the inventor of my original Really Awful Jokes.

The stork was seen when we took the kids riding their bikes today. I took a turn on R’s bike just to have done it on my double-seventh. I have also played the piano, violin, guitar, and recorder, and done some push-ups and squats.

© October 2017 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
This entry was posted in Africa, Challenge, Humorous rhyme, Personal Journal, Photography, Really Awful Joke, Really Awful Rhyme, Weekly Photo Challenge and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink.

16 Responses to Not as in War King*

  1. Many happy returns of the day Lesley, I’ve never heard the expession ‘double seven’ before, surely you’re not 77,


  2. Great fun, especially the chicken caption


  3. Pingback: Pedestrian: Walk on Sunday – What's (in) the picture?

  4. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    …and all this after surgery to remove bits and bobs?? I hope that your surgeon will approve! Happy of happiest double seventh birthday! Doulby lucky! Keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll keep getting what you’re getting!


  5. disperser says:

    Nice. And, apparently, happy birthday wishes are in order.

    . . . when I say I did squat, I have a different meaning in mind . . .


  6. Sjoe, jy was besig! Veels geluk, mag dit ‘n wonderlike nuwe lewensjaar wees.


  7. Baie geluk met jou verjaarsdag
    Skerp inskrywing


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