A Stage Where Nothing Goes Right!

We have been through a stage where a number of things have not gone well. However, there has been one stage where things going badly have gone superbly!

As one of our activities during the flying visit of Elder Daughter K from UK, we went to the latest Kickstart stage production in Durban. This company can always be relied upon to come up with something different, and this time it is a performance of the UK’s hilarious and miraculous:

Pic from programme

The miracle part is that nobody ends up dead or seriously injured — for real! — in every performance. The amount of physical abuse dished out to most of the cast has to be seen to be believed. Being dragged around, bashed with all sorts of objects, falling from scary heights and having things falling from scary heights on top of them, happens with astonishing frequency throughout.

Pic from programme. The Director used to be a next-door neighbour while the kids were growing up, so at interval K had a reunion!

This should be compulsory viewing to anyone with ambitions to put on a stage production. It will put a damper on such notions, being an encyclopedia of everything that can go awry, from misplaced props to lost lines to faulty equipment to ‘effects’ glitches to inept acting to cast disasters — the list is endless. One of the particularly lovely touches is when the compère, after the interval, is pathetically grateful to all those members of the audience who have returned for the second act.

Daughter K is usually fairly reserved when it comes to entertainment of this sort, but some of the scenes had even her in stitches. Likewise the grandkids. In fact, there was something for everyone. The play within the play deals with a murder at Haversham Manor, and is a typical stage whodunit with corpses and twists. One ‘corpse’ keeps getting his hand trodden on, with apparent agony and difficulty in remaining corpse-like.

As for scenes where a stand-in has to be called …

Enough said. If any opportunity occurs to see the play, and particularly this version, grab it!

© April 2018 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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36 Responses to A Stage Where Nothing Goes Right!

  1. dunelight says:

    I love some farce/slapstick! Sounds a great family evening out.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. equinoxio21 says:

    ‘Doubt the production will ever come to Mexico, but I will keep an eye open.


  3. Lizzie Ross says:

    I think this is showing now in NYC — if so, I’ll check it out. Meanwhile, here’s a tale of a high school production that has a different set of problems: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/61/fiasco (it’s the first story of the collection).


  4. Ag dit klink heerlik.


  5. Debra says:

    What a delightful time! Any entertainment contributing to multi-generational laughter is excellent. 🙂


  6. libraschild says:

    so well worth the visit it sounds like..will have to consider it!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Calmgrove says:

    This reminds of Mischief Theatre’s ‘Peter Pan Goes Wrong’ which made it to BBC television a year or two ago, same collapsing sets, mishaps and misunderstandings. Brilliantly conceived and executed, this type of thing.


    • colonialist says:

      A similar concept, indeed. It must give everyone involved a comfortable feeling knowing that every real glitch will be taken as a scripted one.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Ginny says:

      I believe it is from the same makers. They have also created The Comedy About A Bank Robbery which is done in a similar tongue-in-cheek style. Having seen the UK tour, I absolutely agree with your review. It is a delightful reflection on the perils of Amdram theatre but what makes it so splendid is the absolute commitment of the actual cast towards taking it seriously, making it slick and thus professional. The very physical humour and excellent use of the set echo the origins of slapstick done well. As you say, being understated is the key to a thoroughly entertaining evening.
      Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed reading your post. (Found via Reader)

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Sounds more like an American slapstick show, not at all what one expects from England, but then again it’s been going downhill since February 1951.


  9. Stephanie Haahjem says:

    Saw it a couple of years ago at Monte Casino-it was hilarious!


  10. de Wets Wild says:

    Looks like a real laugh-riot! Some of the actors on the photo seem kind of familiar?


  11. Nothing is as much fun as watching a play – and a good one is a real bonus.
    The cast picture looks like there’s some real characters – nicer you have a personal connection with the director – all the more fun


  12. elspethc says:

    sounds like a really good time was had


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