Grade Four Afrikaans Presentation

R has done this Power Point ‘My Pet Amber’ to support a presentation she has to give in Afrikaans at school. I think it is charming, particularly the whirly bit!

If only we had had such aids available during my schooldays …

Β© May 2018 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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15 Responses to Grade Four Afrikaans Presentation

  1. Wot a strange lingo, and people say English is hard, Ludicrous πŸ™‚ 😈

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Debra says:

    I was delighted with this presentation! I think I would have enjoyed my schoolwork so much more as a child with creative tools like your granddaughter is encouraged to use. Good work, Miss R. πŸ™‚


    • colonialist says:

      Thanks for mentioning that reaction! I agree with you; there would have been a far greater fun factor had we been able to use such technology. She has done well, though; and of course a lot of the credit goes to having such a charming pet and her fellows!


  3. She has done well


  4. Dit is werklik bekoorlik! (Daardie katte leef al te lekker.)


  5. de Wets Wild says:

    The young ones seem to be born proficient with technology!


  6. Widdershins says:

    Very clever. πŸ˜€ … such a photogenic kitty. πŸ™‚


  7. I agree Les, if only we had. I I love PowerPoint, there’s far more to it than most people imagine or appreciate. Well done R.


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