New Year DIY Solution Filtered Through

This Labyrinth I Roam is hosting NN1 on New Year Resolutions. Here is my little bit:

When comes the New Year is when I
Get energy renewed;
With launching into DIY
Ambition am imbued

This year I sought a filter that
On pool replaces one
That just a lot of use is, fat,
To get sand-filt’ring done.

The two-bag jobs expensive are,
And, new, beyond my means,
So, looked at ads both near and far
On internet-type scenes.

And on the nineteenth jumped for joy —
Just what I wanted traced!
But, oh, how it did me annoy,
That it had gone in haste.

I asked that I be notified
If that deal should fall through …
Next day, such duly was apprised,
And hope flared up anew!

The distance there was quite a way,
But I drove there at speed;
To dig out took me half a day,
But I got what I need!

A multiport and good DB board with timer were included but are out of picture

This filter and all twiddly-bits
Have safely been brought back;
Now started on the fitting fits —
Filtration I won’t lack!

© January 2019 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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17 Responses to New Year DIY Solution Filtered Through

  1. cupitonians says:

    I loved this so much! Thank you so much for participating! I was looking for a new DIY project and et voila!


  2. Yes, but did you have a good time and enjoy yourself?
    Time to get rid of the pool and buy a trampoline


  3. Never a dull moment. 😃

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Nothing like a chase, a collection of puzzling pieces , and a success. YEA


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