Animal Antics

Medical matters like blood tests, and harmonising ‘Three Blind Mice’ for my keyboard tutor, precluded time for writing anything much else today. so I can fall back on a few cute pics from the faithful furry friends.

Right; I’m ready. Let’s go!

Yes,  I’m sharing a bed with a cat. So what? You wanna make something of it?

At a stretch, I don’t mind sleeping on the carpet.

Don’t even think of mowing or weeding this pavement.   It is road rabbit territory!

© April 2019 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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14 Responses to Animal Antics

  1. Debra says:

    I love the photos, and think sometimes we need few words, but just to appreciate and enjoy the contentedness of our pets. I love the photo of the dog and cat together. They set a good example for we human folk who tend to complicate relationships! 🙂


  2. Calmgrove says:

    Stretched cat looks so wrong and impossible. Please tell me this is actually a draught excluder for a door that you’ve snapped. (Photo snap, of course, not cat snap. Even if a cat nap is involved.)


  3. Cats are alway good a good stretch.
    Good those bunnies are on your territory – if here, one who shall not be named would be out there constructing a bunny shelter…hey they are mowing the weeds – scratch my back and …
    Best wishes your blood flows freely – for the tests, silly. Nothing worse than sluggish shy blood that has to be coaxed out and they will not let you go until they have enough. HAHA (Did that yesterday, too. waiting on results…ugh)
    Wise Old Dogs understand the importance of getting along. Great pictures


  4. Lovely pictures. I hope you are recovering well.


  5. Lots of cute animal pics as well as three blind mice! Creature overload, methinks. 😅

    Liked by 1 person

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