I Came, I Sawed, Nowhere Near Yet Conquered

Before and after pictures show

How much sawing on the go,

But more grief has to be faced

Before pool can get replaced

Now consensus that I see 

Is that pool dug in should be;

With all steps earth out to bring

This will be a painful thing,

And this dirge I sadly sing,

Hope it can by done by spring!

© May 2019 Colonialist

About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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14 Responses to I Came, I Sawed, Nowhere Near Yet Conquered

  1. Widdershins says:

    Having done something similar in my youth with a spade and a wheelbarrow, I’m with ‘Arky’ on this one. 😀


  2. SueW says:

    I agree with Arkenaten!


  3. Arkenaten says:

    I once dug a small pond, only 4000 liters,
    But it felt like I’d dug over 100 metres.
    With calluses and blisters and a back that nearly broke,
    I emerged scarred for life , a haunted bloke,

    To the person on a mission of DIY,
    I would ask: for the gods sake, simply why?
    While not that old, we are hardly spry,
    So why take on tasks that will make us cry?

    Enjoy the experience, but watch from your deck,
    While you sip a beer and pronounce, oh, what the heck!
    From experience I tell you, this type of work sucks
    So bite the bullet, Mr N and shell out the bucks.

    Liked by 2 people

    • colonialist says:

      I think it will be a good idea on this one to watch others do it, but not for too long or I will be tired out!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Arkenaten says:

        When I dug the first post we all mucked in – Ems and I dug, then when the other arrived home we all got cracking, from laying out the chicken wire foundation, to mixing cement and slopping and smoothing it.
        What seemed like a fun idea when we laid out the design using the garden hose turned out to be something quite different once we got stuck in to do the spade work.
        But you are obviously better at this sort of thing than I am – so all power to your ”creaking” elbows,wonky kneees, pigeon toes, squinty eyes and cauliflower ears!


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