Health Exploded in Rhyme.

Nothing to do with health, other than that of the pavement, but shows where the trench I forgot to snap was. The bags of sand have diminished (see previous post).

Should I leave out my health report?
Well, as to that, let me retort
That matters of this sort
I cannot just abort,
Or posts will come to naught.

Though I have suffered tests galore
Todays exams will lead to more,
So I must just implore
Don’t see me out the door
If my heart out I tend to pour.

The meds I have are working fine,
But surely it’s not out of line
(Not in a way to whine
Just so the facts combine)
To say to sleep too much incline.

So further meds I now will add
To tackle problems that I’ve had;
Not following a fad
To deal with stuff that’s bad
But something that should make me glad.

More scans and tests I now will need,
So yet again they’ll make me bleed,
They do the needle deed
So smoothly, it’s agreed,
At painlessness they do succeed.

Apart from all this health stuff, including the monthly Calcium drip, I collected R and J from school; J from hockey practice which she did in spite of a strained ankle. She has been chosen to play in a match on Thursday. R was supposed to do squad swimming, but has been out-of-sorts the past few days, so abstained.

© July 2019 Colonialist


About colonialist

Active septic geranium who plays with words writing fantasy novels and professionally editing, with notes writing classical music, and with riding a mountain bike, horses and dinghies. Recently Indie Publishing has been added to this list.
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11 Responses to Health Exploded in Rhyme.

  1. SueW says:

    Here’s hoping those blood tests will reveal that all is well and that fatigue is simply part of the process. I am on a catch up this morning, so perhaps as you read this you may already have the results.


  2. How very tedious. Wishing you all the best, Col.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Widdershins says:

    Oh gawd! It’ never ends, does it?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. disperser says:

    My problem with poetry can be summarized thus . . . so, are you well/better or not-so-good/worse? Or, in health limbo? I can’t tell.


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